Use Word, font is Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1.5 line spacing please.
Manuscripts should be sent electronically to John A. Lent, email: and The manuscript should include, title (not very long), author, text, endnotes, references, short bio data of author, in that order. Reviews should be sent to whomever commissioned them - Prof. Lent or Mike Rhode at
Deadlines: For Fall/Winter number: May 30.
For Spring/Summer number: Dec. 31.
Illustrations: Illustrations are strongly recommended. No limit is placed on number of illustrations used per article. Illustrations should be very clear (suggested 300 resolution and jpg. file) and include short caption, preceded by "Fig." and the number.
Endnotes: Numbered with Arabic (1, 2, 3, etc.) not Roman numerals, followed by period. Endnotes usually are reserved for material that is explanatory or otherwise additional to what is in the text. If sources are used in endnotes, they should appear as cited in text. For example: (Gombrich, 1960:16).
References: Alphabetically listed. Use author's full first name, not initials, unless parents named him/her only by initials. Examples of different types of entries are:
Book, single author:
Harvey, Robert C. 1994. The Art of the Comic Book. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
Book, article, or presentation, multiple authors:
Beez, Jigal and Stefanie Kolbusa. 2003. "Kibiriti Ngoma: Images of Women in Swahili Comics and Taarab Music." Paper, presented at the 19th Conference of the Pan-African Anthropological Association, Port Elizabeth, June 29-July 4.
Chapter in book:
Graebner, Werner. 1995. "Mambo: Moderne Textformen und Rezente Spachentwicklung in Dar es Salaam." In Swahili Handbuch, edited by Gudrun Miehe and Wilhelm Möhlig, pp. 263-277. Cologne: Köppe.
Article in journal:
Beez, Jigal. 2006. "Fuβball in Politischen Karikaturen Ostafrikas – Football in East African Political Caricature." In Fuβball: Ein Spiel viele Welten – Football: One Game Many Worlds, edited by Karin Guggeis, pp. 52-55. München: Arnoldsche.
Article in periodical:
Kipanya, Masoud. 2001. "Kipanya ni Nani?" Femina. Feb.-Apr.:4-7.
Article in newspaper:
Benson, Ralph. 2008. "Cartoons Won't Die." New York Times. May 16:Arts 14.
Article in newspaper, anonymous:
Japan Times. 2004. "Publisher Censors." Nov. 12:A-12.
Paper presentation:
Beez, Jigal and Stefanie Kolbusa. 2003. "Kibiriti Ngoma: Images of Women in Swahili Comics and Taarab Music." Paper, presented at the 19th Conference of the Pan-African Anthropological Association, Port Elizabeth, June 29-July 4.
Lat (Mohd. Nor Khalid). 1986. Interview with John A. Lent, Shah Alam, Malaysia, July 16.
McCormack, Gavan. 1997. "Holocaust Denial à la Japonaise." Japan Policy Research Institute. Working Paper No. 38. Available at <
>. Accessed June 11, 2006.
Citations: In text citations should give last name of author, year of publication, page number (Smith, 1976:13). Page numbers written in full, e.g., 612-648.
Punctuation: A comma after each item in a series, e.g., bravery, courage, and loyalty. Concerning quoted matter, printers' rules apply:
comma or period always within quotes: " ." " ,"
semi-colon or colon always outside quotes: " ": " ";
question mark or exclamation mark placed according to which part is a question or exclamation.
Dates: Specific centuries, as, 21st Century.
Order of date: Nov. 11, 2008.
Capitalization: U.S. English standards.
Bio data: Include as last item on manuscript, 5-6 lines of career biography of each author:
Adam Kern is associate professor of Japanese literature at Harvard University. Among his publications are ….