News about the premier academic journal devoted to all aspects of cartooning and comics -- the International Journal of Comic Art (ISSN 1531-6793) published and edited by John Lent.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

ICAF CFP and Lent Scholarship


ICAF: International Comic Arts Forum, 14-16 April 2016



14-16 April 2016

University of South Carolina, Columbia

ICAF, the International Comic Arts Forum, invites proposals for scholarly papers for its eighteenth annual meeting, to be held at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, from Thursday, April 14, through Saturday, April 16, 2016. Confirmed guests include comics artists Howard Cruse, Keith Knight, Cece Bell, and Prof. Michael Chaney of Dartmouth College.

The deadline to submit proposals is November 6, 2015.

ICAF welcomes original proposals from diverse disciplines and theoretical perspectives on any aspect of comics or cartooning, particularly studies that reflect an international perspective. Studies of aesthetics, production, distribution, reception, and social, ideological, and historical significance are equally welcome, as are studies that address larger theoretical issues linked to comics or cartooning, for example in image/text studies or new media theory.

Among the thematic panels we hope to offer are Comics and the American South, Digital and Online Comics, and Superheroes; proposals are especially welcome in these areas.

PROPOSAL GUIDELINES: ICAF prefers argumentative, thesis-driven papers that are clearly linked to larger critical, artistic, or cultural issues; we avoid presentations that are summative or survey-like in character. We only accept original 20-minute papers that have not been presented or accepted for publication elsewhere. Presenters should assume an audience versed in comics and the fundamentals of comics studies. Where possible, papers should be illustrated by relevant images on PowerPoint. Proposals should not exceed 300 words.

REVIEW PROCESS: All proposals will be subject to blind review. Due to high interest in the conference, in recent years ICAF has typically been able to accept only about half of the proposals received.

SEND ABSTRACTS (with contact information, including state, province, or country of residence in the body of the email) by 6 November 2015, to C.W. Marshall, ICAF Academic Program Director, via email at <>.

Receipt of all proposals will be acknowledged. Applicants should expect to receive confirmation of acceptance or rejection by December 14, 2015.

ICAF also sponsors the John A. Lent Scholarship in Comics Studies. This scholarship is awarded to a current student who has authored, or is in the process of authoring, a substantial research-based writing project about comics. Applications for this scholarship are due by 8 January 2016. For more information and details of the application process, please visit our website. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Michigan State University's Comic Book Collection featured on podcast

Michigan State University's Comic Book Collection.

Comic Time (August 14 2015):

A 75-minute look at the collection headed by Randy Scott.

Friday, July 17, 2015

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMIC ART 17:1 (Spring 2015) Table of Contents

The new 675-page issue is out now. Available for order at

Visual Language: Neil Cohn and Kent Worcester in Conversation
Neil Cohn and Kent Worcester
From lcono-Iinguistic Unity to Semiotic Continuity: An Alternative Description of Semiotic Repertoire of Comics
Hubert Kowalewski
Origins and Definitions: Arguments for a Non-Essentialist Approach
Hannah Miodrag
Comic Composition; or When Kierkegaard and Cartoon Art Took to the Streets
Louise C. Larsen
The Archive as Comic: Aleksandar Zograf's "Polovni svet" and Post-Yugoslav Serbia
Paul Morton
Terry Hirst: The Renowned Trailblazer Editorial Cartoonist and Comics Author in Kenya
Msanii Kimani wa Wanjiru
The Waking Life of Winsor McCay: Social Commentary in A Pilgrim 's Progress by Mr. Bunion
Kirsten A. McKinney
An Australian Comic Breakthrough:Craig San Roque's The Long Weekend in Alice Springs. Adapted and drawn by Joshua Santospirito
Richard Scully and Joshua Santospirito
The 19th Oddity of Yunnan: Propaganda and Memory in Li Kunwu and Philippe Otie's Graphic Novel A Chinese Life
Nick Stember
Into the Present, by Way of a Non-Existent Past: Breccia, Trillo, and Alvar Mayor
Hector Fernandez L'Hoeste
Daumier's Deadline: Expedited Expressiveness and Franco-Belgian Cartooning
David Allan Duncan
Avant-Garde Abirached
Mark McKinney
The Self-named "Fool-in-chief": Cameroon's Hard-hitting Cartoonist, Nyemb Popoli
John A. Lent
Landscapes of Trauma in Grenier and Austini's Rwanda 1994
Jennifer Anderson Bliss
Against a "Tradition of the New": Architectural Criticism in Chip Kidd and Dave Taylor's Batman: Death by Design (2012)
Gorana Tolja
Bob Staake: "I don't Like the term cartoonist at all ... "
Michael Rhode
Leading British Politicians in The Times' and The Guardian's Cartoons 2010-2013
Monika Nowicka and Janusz Kazmierczak
Crossing the Line: Offensive and Controversial Cartoons in the 21st-Century -- "The View from Australia"
Richard Scully
UNMAD and Bangladeshi Cartooning: A Socio-Cultural Journey with a Bitter Sense of Humor
Mehedi Haque
The Mediated Appeal of Kawaii "Cute" Mascot Characters in Japanese Consumer Culture: A Case of Kumamon
Michael L. Maynard
Malay Pendekar: Silat Warrior in the Malaysia Graphic Novel
Muhamad Azhar Abdullah
Pioneers in Comic Art Scholarship
Oscar Steimberg and the Origins of Comics Studies in Argentina
John A. Lent and Pablo Turnes
German Comics after Unification: The Politics of Anke Feuchtenberger's Feminist Aesthetics
Elizabeth Nijdam
Comics Exhibitions in Contemporary France: Diversity and Symbolic Ambivalence
Jean-Matthieu Meon
The Gradual Nationalization of Comic Strips in Brazilian Newspapers
Paulo Ramos
Matt Wuerker on the Cartoonists Rights Network International
Michael Rhode
From Corporate to Collaborative Comics in India
Jeremy Stoll
Comics and Journalism: Witnessing the World with Pen and Paper
Joost Pollmann
Bandas Orientales: Una Experiencia de Historieta Historica Digital en el Marco Del Plan Ceibal
Maria Victoria Saibene Lopez
Comicvoice: Theory and Application
John Baird
Considering the Perception of Time and Sequential Images in Digital Comics
Davey Sams
Teaching Graphic Novels and Manga at the University
Marc Wolterbeek
Measuring the Impact of Free Comic Book Day in Singapore
Philip Smith
The Motif of the Wound in Attack on Titan
Asuka Yamazaki
Personal Remembrances: Interviews with Seven Recently-Deceased Giants in Cartooning and Animation
John A. Lent
Vins: Chronicler of Life and Times
Mrinal Chatterjee and Triambak Sharma
The Printed Word
John A. Lent
Book Reviews
Kirsten M0llegaard
Philip Smith
Andrew Lesk
John A. Lent
Exhibition and Media Reviews
Edited by Michael Rhode
David Robertson
Nick Nguyen
Michael Hill

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Latest International Journal of Comic Art out

675 pages! Subscribe at http://

Table of contents will be posted here tomorrow.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Future in Comics CFP (UPDATED)



Organizers: The research group on comics at the English Department, Stockholm University


Where and When: Stockholm, 3rd-5th September

Call for papers, deadline/ Notification of acceptance: 10th of May, 2015/15th of May, 2015




E-mail for submissions: Submissions will be handled via easychair:


This conference aims to investigate ways in which comics explore the idea of "future." Its goal is to gather scholars from the field of comic studies and related fields, such as linguistics, philosophy, literary studies, cultural studies, sociology, anthropology, film studies as well as others that can discover a conceptual connection to the rigorous study of comics. Given our broad and yet specific purpose, we aim to discuss work on comics originating from all major traditions: French bande desineé, American and British comics, Italian fumetti, Japanese manga, and so on. In pursuing this cross-cultural approach, we wish to discuss not only how different conceptions of the future in comics can be compared and analysed, but also how comics offer unorthodox modes of representation that allow for creative, intellectual freedom that may be different from literature and cinema. In particular, we are interested in, but not limited to, discussing these themes:


·         The cross-roads between utopia and dystopia (e.g. Gundam's Universal Century);

·         Transmetropolitan's representation of life in "the city", Harlock's 30th century, the world of Rogue Trooper);

·         Apocalypses and new beginnings (e.g. Nausicaä's tragic millennium, Authority's new world, X-Men's days of future past, El eternauta's alien invasion);

·         The cities of the future (e.g. Dredd's Mega city one, Akira's neo-Tokyo, RanXeroX's Rome);

·         The humans of the future: mutants, augmented humans and cyborgs (e.g. Major Kusanagi in Ghost in the Shell, Tony Stark in Iron Man; 2000 A.D.'s ABC Warriors);

·         The politics of the future (e.g. Bilal's Nicopol Trilogy, Oshi's Patlabor trilogy, Marvel's Civil War);

·         Time and history (e.g. Watchmen, Planetary, Neon Genesis Evangelion);

·         Nostalgia for future pasts (e.g. Nadia, Arzach, Tom Strong, Satellite Sam);

·         Elaborations and revisitations of futures in comics (Pluto, Time2, Le Transperceneige);

·         Futures set in stone, and how to avoid or reach them (X-Men's days of future past, AppleSeed, The Invisibles).


We hope to create a conference that not only discusses these topics and uncovers how they have been addressed in comics about the future, but also to lay the foundations of future research on these topics and develop new tools for advanced comics studies. We welcome abstracts between 400 and 500 words, excluding references and title. At the moment, we are aiming at securing publishing rights for selected papers from this conference, aiming at publication in December 2016.


For further information, please contact us at:

Electronic registration will start by the 16th of May.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Webinar invitation for April 7th international MOOC discussion

Anyone who would like to link a classroom outside the U.S. with a comics-related classroom at the University of Washington can contact Michael Dean at

International Course Collaboration
Connect your professors and students to partners in the United States using online technology

Dear colleagues,

We invite you to join us in an effort to deepen global engagement of students in the classroom, without requiring travel abroad, by implementing project-based online collaboration within existing courses.  Since 2013, the University of Washington Bothell has been implementing an initiative that connects classes on our campus to those in Egypt, India, Peru, South Africa and others. Read more at:  

We are looking to expand the effort and engage new partners – you!  Please join us for a free, one-hour introductory online workshop, intended for professors and administrators who would like to explore collaborating with University of Washington faculty on courses in the future.

Introduction to COIL Webinar
Tuesday, April 7, 2015 | 2:30-3:30pm Pacific Time

The online workshop, presented by UW Bothell International Collaboration Facilitator, Greg Tuke, and his colleague Karim Ashour from Future University in Egypt, will introduce the COIL* approach and discuss some of the communication tools used – Skype video, closed Facebook groups, student-produced videos – to have students work directly and deeply with each other across cultures and countries.  Register by March 31 by emailing Following this, we will send you a link to the webinar.

As a preview, I invite you to watch Greg discuss his Global Media and Social Change course:

* COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) is an approach to fostering global competence through development of a multicultural learning environment that links university classes in different countries. Using various communication technologies, students from different countries complete shared assignments and projects, with faculty members from each country co-teaching and managing coursework.

Technology-enabled global engagement is a growing internationalization trend, as highlighted in a recent article published by NAFSA on this topic, "New Windows on the World" by Christopher Connell, NAFSA International Educator, May/June 2014.

We look forward to working with you.



Natalia Dyba

Director of Global Initiatives

University of Washington Bothell

UW1-186 | Box 358555

18115 Campus Way NE | Bothell, WA 98011



Sunday, March 1, 2015

Review: The Art of Richard Thompson, from the next issue

Book Reviews

Apatoff, David, Nick Galifianakis, Mike Rhode, Chris Sparks, and Bill Watterson. The Art of Richard Thompson. Kansas City, MO: Andrews McMeel, 2014. 224 pp. $35. 978-1-4494-4795-3.

            Richard Thompson is one of the United States' premier cartoonists, having received accolades from stalwarts such as Pat Oliphant, who called him "Michelangelo with a sense of humor"; Edward Sorel, who thinks of him as "one of the best comic artists of his time"; and Arnold Roth, who "salutes" him for the "delightful absolute excellence of [his] artwork and thinking." Anyone familiar with Thompson's subtle and cerebral humor cartoons knows he is more than deserving of these remarks.

            Certainly the authors of The Art of Richard Thompson (David Apatoff, Nick Galifianakis, Mike Rhode, Chris Sparks, and Bill Watterson), all friends, feel that way as they assess his career, work habits, and personality, through observations of, interviews and discussions with, him, his own delightful essays, and many examples of his varied styles and forms of comic art.

            Thompson's oeuvre consists of, at least, illustrations, summary-type cartoons (his long-running "Richard's Poor Almanac" in the Washington Post), caricatures, and an award-winning comic strip ("Cul de Sac"), portrait-paintings, humorous writing, and rhyming ditties. The authors (pushed by self-named "The Enforcer" Mike Rhode) write in a light-hearted, humorous manner that fits Thompson's personality and work. Though they justifiably heap praise on him, they do so with levity and much admiration. The images chosen to supplement the text reflect Thompson's exquisite art, deep literary, history, music, and trivia knowledge, and brilliant use of language in captions containing silly rhymes, bon mots, and well-thought-out parodies. A few examples: an illustration labeled "Manhattan, 240, 193 B.C." showing a graffiti-splattered mammoth; subversive and cynical satirical everyday events, such as "Benjamin Franklin Cartoonist," showing his political contemporaries not understanding the symbolism of his "Join, or Die" cartoon, or "An Introduction to Electronic Voting," where the technology fails miserably; and, to the surprise of this reviewer, refined (or simply-drawn) and artistically, often contextually-funny caricatures that interviewer and acclaimed caricaturist John Kascht said, "capture(s) a likeness in a new way. Your drawing isn't like him, it is him."

            A number of Thompson's caricatures are of classical music maestros that he liked and whose works he played earlier when he was a pianist; others were of politicians (Ross Perot emerging mole-like on the White House lawn or Bill Clinton discretely discarding his wedding band upon laying eyes on a scantily-clad lass), entertainers (Elizabeth Taylor loaded down with a slew of expensive fur coats on a blistering hot day -- even the head of one of the furry animals she wears pleads for water), literati, sports figures, and more. In the interview, Thompson explained he draws people he likes or admires (exceptions George W. Bush and Jesse Helms), without anger, from memory, seeking to find his subject's "emotion."

            Seeing that Thompson's "Cul de Sac" has been favorably compared to the classic "Calvin & Hobbes," it seems natural that Bill Watterson would interview him. (To get Watterson to come out of seclusion for the occasion was a feat in itself.) The interview serves a double usage, mixing Watterson's experiences and views with those of his interviewee. Obviously, Thompson knows and appreciates the works of fellow comic strip artists, slipping into "Cul de Sac" an occasional "Little Neuro in Slumberland" or a subtle reference to a "Peanuts" character.

            The Art of Richard Thompson is a masterpiece, beautifully designed, intelligently planned, and craftily written. It will bring joy and laughter to the casual reader, knowledge about the whos, whys, and hows of cartooning to practitioners and scholars, and aesthetic pleasure to the art-inclined. It is a book that can comfortably grace a coffee table, fill a slot in a library reference section, or sit on the drawing table of a cartoonist.

            John A. Lent


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Call For Papers: The Future in Comics, Stockholm, Sweden

Call For Papers: The Future in Comics


Organizers: The research group on comics at the English Department, Stockholm University


Where and When: Stockholm, 3rd-5th September


Call for papers, deadline/ Notification of acceptance: 15th of April, 2015/10th of May, 2015




E-mail for submissions: Submissions will be handled via easychair:


This conference aims to investigate ways in which comics explore the idea of "future." Its goal is to gather scholars from the field of comic studies and related fields, such as linguistics, philosophy, literary studies, cultural studies, sociology, anthropology, film studies as well as others that can discover a conceptual connection to the rigorous study of comics. Given our broad and yet specific purpose, we aim to discuss work on comics originating from all major traditions: French bande desineé, American and British comics, Italian fumetti, Japanese manga, and so on. In pursuing this cross-cultural approach, we wish to discuss not only how different conceptions of the future in comics can be compared and analysed, but also how comics offer unorthodox modes of representation that allow for creative, intellectual freedom that may be different from literature and cinema. In particular, we are interested in, but not limited to, discussing these themes:


·         The cross-roads between utopia and dystopia (e.g. Gundam's Universal Century, Transmetropolitan's representation of life in "the city", Harlock's 30th century, the world of Rogue Trooper);

·         Apocalypses and new beginnings (e.g. Nausicaä's tragic millennium, Authority's new world, X-Men's days of future past, El eternauta's alien invasion);

·         The cities of the future (e.g. Dredd's Mega city one; Akira's neo-Tokyo; RanXeroX's Rome);

·         The humans of the future: mutants, augmented humans and cyborgs (e.g. Major Kusanagi in Ghost in the Shell, Tony Stark in Iron Man; 2000 A.D.'s ABC Warriors);

·         The politics of the future (e.g. Bilal's Nicopol Trilogy; Oshi's Patlabor trilogy; Marvel's Civil War);

·         Time and history (e.g. Watchmen; Planetary, Neon Genesis Evangelion)

·         Nostalgia for future pasts (e.g. Nadia, Arzach, Tom Strong, Satellite Sam);

·         Elaborations and revisitations of futures in comics (Pluto, Time2, Le Transperceneige);

·         Futures set in stone, and how to avoid or reach them (X-Men's days of future past; AppleSeed, The Invisibles).


We hope to create a conference that not only discusses these topics and uncovers how they have been addressed in comics about the future, but also to lay the foundations of future research on these topics and develop new tools for advanced comics studies. We welcome abstracts between 400 and 500 words, excluding references and title. At the moment, we are aiming at securing publishing rights for selected papers from this conference, aiming at publication in December 2016.


For further information, please contact us at: or

Electronic registration will start by the 15th of May.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

IJOCA 16:2 Correction

Pedro Moura informs us that the review of Dale Jacobs' book Graphic Encounters, Comics and the Sponshorship of Multimodal Literacy on pages 667-670 credited to him was co-written with Conceição Pereira. The editors regret the omission.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Statement on the murders at Charlie Hebdo

Statement on the murders at Charlie Hebdo

Photo (cc) Flickr user Birgit Speulman

Photo (cc) Flickr user Birgit Speulman

The Comic Art Working Group of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) and the International Journal of Comic Art (IJOCA) strongly condemn the murders of cartoonists, journalists, and other staff members of Charlie Hebdo and loudly applaud the Je suis Charlie demonstrations and other actions and statements supportive of the magazine. We believe that the sword (or gun) can never be permitted to be mightier than the pen.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Looking for that perfect gift for a comics uber-scholar?

At Lulu, there's a couple of items that may be of interest:

International Journal of Comic Art 1:1

International Journal of Comic Art 1:1 (reprint)

By John Lent

Biographical Sketches of Cartoonists & Illustrators in the Swann Collection of the Library of Congress

Biographical Sketches of Cartoonists & Illustrators in the Swann Collection of the Library of Congress

By Sara Duke

Here's the 30% off message:

We're just as excited about the season as you are, so we're offering you one last chance to get 30% off all print books.

Use promo code KRBM2 now until 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 15, and get great reads for everyone you know.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

New Book - Asian Comics by John Lent

Asian Comics
By John A. Lent
University Press of Mississippi
ISBN 978-1-62846-158-9, hardback, $60

For Immediate Release

The first comprehensive overview of comics production and creativity in Asia

Asian Comics (University Press of Mississippi) dispels the myth that outside of Japan, the continent is nearly devoid of comic strips and comic books. Relying on his fifty years of Asian mass communication and comic art research, during which he traveled to Asia at least seventy-eight times, and visited many studios and workplaces, John A. Lent  shows that nearly every country had a golden age of cartooning and, recently, has witnessed a rejuvenation of the art form.

Organized by regions of East, Southeast, and South Asia, Asian Comics provides detailed information on comics of sixteen countries including their histories, key personnel, characters, contemporary status, problems, trends, and issues. As only Japanese comics output has received close and by now voluminous scrutiny, Asian Comics tells the story of the major comics creators outside of Japan.  The nations covered here include China, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.

This book is the first comprehensive overview of Asian comics books and magazines (both mainstream and alternative), graphic novels, newspaper comic strips and gag panels, and cartoon/humor magazines. Lent has done exhaustive research on the subject and the volume is crammed with facts, fascinating anecdotes, and interview quotes from many pioneering masters, as well as younger artists.

Readers may be surprised to learn that Indonesia had a self-named graphic novel in 1965, that the revered King of Thailand solicited the drawing skills of a famous cartoonist to illustrate his books, that sexual and scatological cartoon magazines have thrived during Nepal's annual Cow Festival, or that a member of royalty, a national leader, and the founding heads of state in four countries drew those nations' first cartoons.

Liberally illustrated in some cases, with rarely seen images, and well documented with plentiful bibliographies, Asian Comics is a rich resource that will be of much interest to many types of audiences.

John A. Lent has founded and chaired or edited numerous organizations and periodicals, including Asia and Pacific Animation and Comics Association, Asian Research Center on Animation and Comic Art, Asian Popular Culture group of the Popular Culture Association, Asian Cinema Studies Society, Malaysia/Singapore/Brunei Studies Group, the International Journal of Comic Art, and Asian Cinema. He is the author or editor of seventy-six books.


For more information contact Clint Kimberling, Publicist,
Read more about Asian Comics at


Monday, August 18, 2014

PSA: Help support Asian comics at Michigan State University's Comic Art Collection

Asian Comics Cataloging at Michigan State University

reprinted from Insight May 2014 -

"I always recommend the MSU Comic Art Collection to fellow comic researchers since it is the world's most comprehensive and internationally oriented collection in the field." Matthias Harbeck, doctoral candidate, Carl von Ossietzky Universität, Oldenburg, Germany

Help make our Asian comics accessible!


Comics are truly a global phenomenon, and an important goal of our Comic Art Collection is to document how cultures around the world have adopted and transformed the medium.

That's why our collection ranges from Golden Age adventure strips to South American fotonovelas, and from Japanese manga to a nearly complete run of THE 99 – the world's first comic series with Muslim superheroes.

However, it's not enough to acquire these diverse materials. It's essential to catalog them as well, so users near and far can determine what we have available.

Thanks to recent gifts, we have far more Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese comics waiting to be cataloged than we can handle – even with the broad range of language skills among the cataloging team!

Fortunately, help is available. We can send the work to an outside contractor, Backstage, which performs research-level cataloging in some 70 different languages. Backstage can complete about 150 of the most needed items for $5000 – and we have already have a generous gift of $1000 to start us off.

The Comic Art Collection is heavily used by MSU students and faculty working in the fields of history, literature, and cultural studies. Help us support their research by putting more Asian comics on the shelf!

Below is a link to a giving page that allows one to make a donation to support the cataloging of our Asian Comics.  Thanks for your interest and help with this project.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

PSA: Help support Asian comics at Michigan State University's Comic Art Collection UPDATED

Asian Comics Cataloging at Michigan State University

"I always recommend the MSU Comic Art Collection to fellow comic researchers since it is the world's most comprehensive and internationally oriented collection in the field." Matthias Harbeck, doctoral candidate, Carl von Ossietzky Universität, Oldenburg, Germany

Help make our Asian comics accessible!

Comics are truly a global phenomenon, and an important goal of our Comic Art Collection is to document how cultures around the world have adopted and transformed the medium.

That's why our collection ranges from Golden Age adventure strips to South American fotonovelas, and from Japanese manga to a nearly complete run of THE 99 – the world's first comic series with Muslim superheroes.

However, it's not enough to acquire these diverse materials. It's essential to catalog them as well, so users near and far can determine what we have available.

Thanks to recent gifts, we have far more Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese comics waiting to be cataloged than we can handle – even with the broad range of language skills among the cataloging team!

Fortunately, help is available. We can send the work to an outside contractor, Backstage, which performs research-level cataloging in some 70 different languages. Backstage can complete about 150 of the most needed items for $5000 – and we have already have a generous gift of $1000 to start us off.

The Comic Art Collection is heavily used by MSU students and faculty working in the fields of history, literature, and cultural studies. Help us support their research by putting more Asian comics on the shelf!

Below is a link to a giving page that allows one to make a donation to support the cataloging of our Asian Comics.  Thanks for your interest and help with this project.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

PSA: Help support Asian comics at Michigan State University's Comic Art Collection

Asian Comics Cataloging at Michigan State University

"I always recommend the MSU Comic Art Collection to fellow comic researchers since it is the world's most comprehensive and internationally oriented collection in the field." Matthias Harbeck, doctoral candidate, Carl von Ossietzky Universität, Oldenburg, Germany

Help make our Asian comics accessible!

Comics are truly a global phenomenon, and an important goal of our Comic Art Collection is to document how cultures around the world have adopted and transformed the medium.

That's why our collection ranges from Golden Age adventure strips to South American fotonovelas, and from Japanese manga to a nearly complete run of THE 99 – the world's first comic series with Muslim superheroes.

However, it's not enough to acquire these diverse materials. It's essential to catalog them as well, so users near and far can determine what we have available.

Thanks to recent gifts, we have far more Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese comics waiting to be cataloged than we can handle – even with the broad range of language skills among the cataloging team!

Fortunately, help is available. We can send the work to an outside contractor, Backstage, which performs research-level cataloging in some 70 different languages. Backstage can complete about 150 of the most needed items for $5000 – and we have already have a generous gift of $1000 to start us off.

The Comic Art Collection is heavily used by MSU students and faculty working in the fields of history, literature, and cultural studies. Help us support their research by putting more Asian comics on the shelf!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

International Journal of Comic Art Spring 2014 issue out now

International Journal of Comic Art Vol. 16, No. 1, Spring 2014

Guest Editorial
The Books Are Selling Just Fine, Thank You, or Scholarship and the Permissions Problem
Joseph Thomas
Comics Scholarship: Its Delayed Birth, Stunted Growth, and  Drive to Maturity
John A. Lent
Towards a Global History of the Political Cartoon: Challenges and Opportunities
Richard Scully
Chica moderna o mujer tradiconal? Intersections of Modernity and Tradition in Gabriel Vargas' La Familia Burron
Brittany Tullis
Comics Don't Need to Be Literature with a Capital L: An Interview with Leah Moore and John Reppion
Jeffery Klaehn
Atomic Horror: Entertaining Comics and "One World or None"
Eric A. Holmes
The Misshitsu Trial: Thinking Obscenity with Japanese Comics
Patrick W. Galbraith
Representation through Anti-Representation: Showing the Unspeakable in Stassen's Déogratias
Anna Howell
"You Can't Deny the Uncomfortable Truths": Carol Tyler and Her Frank Autobiographical Comics
John A. Lent
Semiotics of Filipino Komiks-to-Film Adaptation: Decoding Lapu-Lapu (1954)
Joyce L. Arriola
The Emergence of Black Cartoon Animators in South Africa: A Spotlight on the Work of Mdu Ntuli
Pfunzo Sidogi
Voices from the Margins:
The Place of Wilderness in Watchmen
Aaron A. Cloyd
Doomed Hybrids: Three Cases of Fatal Mixing 
in the War Comics of Tezuka Osamu
Ben Whaley
Allied, Japanese, and Chinese Propaganda: Cartoon Leaflets During World War II
John A. Lent
Women Cartoonists and Illustrators  Draw Covers for American Magazines: Case Studies from The Library of Congress's Prints & Photographs Division
Martha H. Kennedy
The Art of Splicing: Autofiction in Words and Images
Maaheen Ahmed
R for Reason Gone Rampant? The Intricate Interplay between Madness and Rationality in the Graphic Novel V for Vendetta
Marco R. S. Post
Writing History, Day by Day, From My Point of View: The Philosophy of Sudanese Cartoonist Khalid Albaih
Mark Anderson
Classical Categories, Prototypes,  and the Graphic Novel
Achim Hescher
"Let's part before we become mushy": Femininity and Female Antagonists in Will Eisner's "The Spirit"
David Hayes
I Voted Only for the Head Too: Visual Satire and Democratic Governance in Africa
Jimoh, Ganiyu Akinloye
Text and Images: Varying Sizes of Word Balloons in Comics
Gary Dufner and Joo Kim
From Boom to Bubble and Bust: Comical Economics in Aleix Saló's Troika Trilogy
Ryan Prout
Comics for the Blind and for the Seeing
Jakob F. Dittmar
Kampong (Village) Boy Lat and Icons of Malaysian Nationhood
Nasya Bahfen, Zainurul Rahman, and Juliette Peers
The Next Generation of Comics Scholarship 
Sandman and Greek Mythology  in The Song of Orpheus
Daniela Marino
Japanese Honorifics Including Openings, Closings, and Terms of Address in a Japanese Animation Film: Using Authentic Texts in Second Language Teaching and Learning
Cherie Hess
"Topolino canta Napoli" : Mickey Mouse as Testimonial of Piedigrotta Festival
Armando Rotondi
Personal Remembrances
John A. Lent and Xu Ying 
Bi Keguan in My Eyes
Wang Dejuan
Translated by Xu Ying
The Printed Word
John A. Lent
Book Reviews
Exhibition and Media Reviews
Edited by Michael Rhode
The Clever Cartoons of Ross Thomson

Sunday, May 4, 2014

IJOCA nominated for an Eisner award

The International Journal of Comic Art has been nominated for the prestigious Eisner Award in the Best Scholarly / Academic Work category. We are appreciative of the honor.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

New book: Southeast Asian Cartoon Art ed by John Lent

Southeast Asian Cartoon Art
History, Trends and Problems

Edited by John A. Lent

Print ISBN: 978-0-7864-7557-5
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-4766-1446-5
52 photos, notes, bibliography, index
256 pp. softcover (6 x 9) 2014

Price: $40.00

About the Book
This is the first overview of cartoon art in this important cultural nexus of Asia. The eight essays provide historical and contemporary examinations of cartoons and comics in Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam, and sociocultural and political analyses of cartooning in Singapore, Myanmar, and Malaysia. The collection benefits from hundreds of interviews with Southeast Asia's major cartoonists, conducted by the four contributors, as well as textual analyses of specific cartoons, on-the-spot observations, and close scrutiny of historical documents.

All genres of printed cartoon art are studied, including political and humor cartoons, newspaper comic strips, comic books, and humor and cartoon periodicals. Topics of discussion and comparison with cartoon art of other parts of the globe include national identity, the transnational public sphere, globalization, alternative media forms, freedom of expression, consumerism, and corporatism. Southeast Asian cartoon art has a number of features unique to the region, such as having as pioneering cartoonists three countries' founding fathers, comics that gave their name to a national trait, some of the earliest graphic novels worldwide, and a king who hired a cartoonist to illustrate his books.

About the Author
John A. Lent was a professor for 51 years in universities in the United States, the Philippines, Malaysia, Canada, and China. He founded and has edited or presided over a number of periodicals and organizations. He lives in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania.

Table of Contents

      John A. Lent 1
Part I: Historical and
Contemporary Overviews
1. Cartooning in Indonesia: An Overview: John A. Lent 6
2. Philippine Komiks: 1928 to the Present: John A. Lent 39
3. The Uphill Climb to Reach a Plateau: Historical Analysis of the Development of Thai Cartooning: Warat Karuchit 75
4. The Swerving Status of Cambodian Comic Art: John A. Lent 105
5. Cartooning in Vietnam: A Brief Overview: John A. Lent 122
Part II: ­Socio-Cultural and Political Issues
6. Chinese Cartoonists in Singapore: Chauvinism, Confrontation and Compromise (1950-1980): Lim Cheng Tju 142
7. Political Cartoons and Burma's Transnational Public Sphere: Lisa Brooten 178
8. Cartoonist Lat and Malaysian National Identity: An Appreciation: Muliyadi Mahamood 205
About the Contributors 215
Works Cited 217
Index 231

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Timothy Perper, 74, Writer/Researcher obituary

Timothy Perper, 74, Writer/Researcher

Timothy Perper, 74, writer and independent researcher on courtship as
well as advocate for Japanese manga and anime, died of cardiac arrest
on Tuesday, January 21st, at his Bella Vista home.

As a biology professor at Rutgers New Brunswick in the 1970s, Perper
became fascinated by how couples first meet and then decide whether or
not they are attracted to each other. He obtained a grant from the
Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation to study conversations and pick-ups
in singles bars. His book, Sex Signals: The Biology of Love (1985),
was described in the New York Times as "lively and provocative" and by
CHOICE magazine as "highly readable and well-researched." He
identified a body language sequence typical of courtship:
approach-talk-turn-touch-synchronization. This research attracted the
attention of the media, and he was interviewed by Dr. Ruth Westheimer,
Regis Philbin, and the Playboy Channel, among others. "We human
beings," Perper wrote in Forum magazine in 1987 "do not fall in love
by telepathy: we have to move into proximity with each other." Yet, as
he told L.A. Life in 1995, "it is behavior, vivacity that attracts
people, not looks, beauty, not elegance of dress."

Later, upon learning that Japanese manga comics depict courtship and
sexuality differently than did most American comics at the time,
Perper began to study and write about manga and anime in Mangatopia
(2011), Graphic Novels Beyond the Basics (2009), and in essays and
reviews online and in journals and anthologies. "Anime and manga
represent living evidence of what nonwestern, erotophilic, and
female-positive sexuality can look like," he wrote in the newsletter
Contemporary Sexuality (2005). "Manga and anime provide ways to
connect with young people and initiate conversations about sexuality."
He served as book review editor for The Journal of Sex Research, The
Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, and Mechademia: An Annual Forum
for Anime, Manga, and the Fan Arts.

Perper also wrote quirky fiction, some published in Analog and in
Oziana, the literary annual of the International Wizard of Oz Club. He
delighted in creating cunning, oddball comebacks to spam emails and
devising humorous wordplay. In recent years, his special love was
creating the adventure/comedy webcomic The Adventures of Princess
Adele of Utopia ( in collaboration with Martha
Cornog, his wife of nearly 30 years, and artist Jamar Nicholas. He
enjoyed visiting South Street-area bars, where he was sometimes known
as "Uncle Tim" and "Dr. Pepper."

Even while at Rutgers, Perper treated his students to unusual
experiences. "He told me about his 'cockroach lecture' to dramatize
evolution,' said his wife. "He would start by drawing a long parade of
roaches across the blackboard, and then erase many of them--those were
the ones that died young, before they could reproduce. Only the ones
that lived long enough to mate could pass along their genes. And they
sure did--roaches are extremely hardy insects and go back to over 100
million years ago."

Growing up in Greenwich Village, Perper obtained his undergraduate
degree in biology and genetics from CCNY (1961) and a doctorate from
CUNY (1969). He worked briefly in the pharmaceutical industry
(1969-1972) before joining the faculty at Rutgers (1972-1979). Upon
obtaining the Guggenheim grant (1980), he turned to independent
research and worked from home with his wife, a librarian and writer
and sometimes his collaborator. He never tired of watching people
flirt in singles bars. "If the magic is less mysterious than we
thought," he told Forum magazine in 1987 when describing his findings,
"it is no less entrancing."

He is survived by his wife and a nephew, photographer Robert Daniel
Ullmann, who together with Perper's friends and drinking companions
will hold a memorial gathering to honor him on March 14th, 5:00 p.m.,
at the Fleisher Art Memorial in Philadelphia. Contributions in his
memory may be made to the Fleisher Art Memorial in Philadelphia
( and the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund

Written by / Family contact:
Martha Cornog (wife),

Friday, January 31, 2014

Sara Duke's biographical sketches of cartoonists book available now (updated)

Biographical Sketches of Cartoonists & Illustrators in the Swann Collection of the Library of Congress

Paperback, 340 Pages 
Price: $17.00
Ships in 3-5 business days
Inside this book are short biographical sketches about the many artists represented in the Library of Congress' Swann Collection compiled by Erwin Swann (1906-1973). In the early 1960s, Swann, a New York advertising executive started collecting original cartoon drawings of artistic and humorous interest. Included in the collection are political prints and drawings, satires, caricatures, cartoon strips and panels, and periodical illustrations by more than 500 artists, most of whom are American. The 2,085 items range from 1780-1977, with the bulk falling between 1890-1970. The Collection includes 1,922 drawings, 124 prints, 14 paintings, 13 animation cels, 9 collages, 1 album, 1 photographic print, and 1 scrapbook.

Sara Duke's biographical sketches of cartoonists book available now

Years ago, Sara Duke wrote biographical notes for the artists in the Library's original cartoon collection. With her consent, I took her public domain file, edited it, and have turned it into a handy reference tool. This sells at printing cost, and neither of us makes any money on it. Libraries in particular should buy it.   - Mike Rhode

Biographical Sketches of Cartoonists & Illustrators in the Swann Collection of the Library of Congress

Paperback, 340 Pages 
Price: $17.00
Ships in 3-5 business days
Inside this book are short biographical sketches about the many artists represented in the Library of Congress' Swann Collection compiled by Erwin Swann (1906-1973). In the early 1960s, Swann, a New York advertising executive started collecting original cartoon drawings of artistic and humorous interest. Included in the collection are political prints and drawings, satires, caricatures, cartoon strips and panels, and periodical illustrations by more than 500 artists, most of whom are American. The 2,085 items range from 1780-1977, with the bulk falling between 1890-1970. The Collection includes 1,922 drawings, 124 prints, 14 paintings, 13 animation cels, 9 collages, 1 album, 1 photographic print, and 1 scrapbook.