Articles from and news about the premier and longest-running academic journal devoted to all aspects of cartooning and comics -- the International Journal of Comic Art (ISSN 1531-6793) published and edited by John Lent.

Monday, November 16, 2009

ICAF conference seeking new members


The Executive Committee of the International Comic Arts Forum, one of
the longest-lived and most respected annual conferences in Comics
Studies, is actively seeking new members:

We invite applications from academics (including graduate students)
and independent scholars in various fields, including but not limited
to Comparative Literature, English Studies, Cultural Studies,
Communications and Media, Visual Studies, Art History, and Comics

The members of the Executive Committee collaborate to plan and present
the ICAF conference, which since its founding in 1995 has been one of
the most important annual events in comics studies. Among the
qualities, backgrounds and/or specialties we are most actively seeking
in candidates are:

  * Web-mastering
  * Grant-writing
  * Fund-raising
  * Cultural diversity/expertise in non-Western comics, pursuant to
ICAF's international focus
  * Conference- or event-organizing

We plan to recruit several new members in academic year 2009-2010.

Applicants should each send C.V. and a 1-2 page statement of purpose
to Cécile Danehy (cdanehy at wheatonma dot edu) by January 4, 2010.

Please send all materials in Word 97-2004 format (with the extension
.doc, not .docx) if possible.

We recommend that applicants consult ICAF's mission statement and past
programs (at our website,
to get a sense of ICAF's purpose and character. Commitments to
internationalism and interdisciplinarity are the backbone of ICAF and
we will be looking for prospective colleagues with these qualities. In
addition, we urge applicants to frame their statements of purpose in
not only intellectual but also pragmatic terms, with emphasis on
specialties and skills such as those noted above.

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