Articles from and news about the premier and longest-running academic journal devoted to all aspects of cartooning and comics -- the International Journal of Comic Art (ISSN 1531-6793) published and edited by John Lent.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

International Journal of Comic Art Index, Volumes 1-10 (1999-2008) online now

International Journal of Comic Art Index, Volumes 1-10 (1999-2008)

John A. Lent, Xu Ying, Jae-Woong Kwon
IJOCA 11:1 (Spring/Summer 2009).

Compiled by John A. Lent, Xu Ying, and Jae-Woong Kwon This index includes all articles published in International Journal of Comic Art from Vol. 1 (1999) through Vol. 10 (2008). Not included are book and exhibition reviews, "The Printed Word," and "Critical Closure" columns. We hope to publish a separate index of those items. Sections include Author, Country, and Genre.

Originally published in IJOCA 11:1 (Spring/Summer 2009).

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