Articles from and news about the premier and longest-running academic journal devoted to all aspects of cartooning and comics -- the International Journal of Comic Art (ISSN 1531-6793) published and edited by John Lent.

Showing posts with label bibliography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bibliography. Show all posts

Monday, September 13, 2021

Support the Future of the Bonn Online Bibliography (BOBC)

Many comics researchers have been making use of the Bonn Online Bibliography for Comics Studies (BOBC), which Dr Joachim Trinkwitz has built up over many years to be perhaps the most comprehensive resource of this kind for our field.

As the technical and logistic demands of this project are rising, and Joachim is facing retirement in a few years' time, the future of the database is currently uncertain. As its co-sponsor, the German Society
for Comics Studies has set up an open letter to Bonn University to call for continued support for this valuable resource. I am attaching the full letter (in German and English).

If you agree that the Bibliography should continue its work, we would ask you to support this letter. You can sign it here:

Persons and institutions are equally welcome as signatories.

Thank you for your help, and best wishes,

Stephan Packard

Prof. Dr. Stephan Packard
Institut für Medienkultur und Theater
Universität zu Köln


Securing and maintaining the Bonn Online Bibliography for Comics Research (BOBC),

To the Dean of Philosophy and the Chancellor at Bonn University:

The Bonn Online Bibliography for Comics Studies (Bonner Online Bibliographie für Comicforschung,
BOBC) was launched in 2008 under the direction of Dr. Joachim Trinkwitz, research assistant at the
Institute for German Studies, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies at the Rheinische Friedrich-
Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. Initially designed as a tool for teaching, it was later published online as a
service for the research community. Since then, it has been continuously expanded under Trinkiwtz’
direction. Thanks to his tireless effort, it now offers more than 13,500 international entries for
researcher in interdisciplinary comics studies. Particularly noteworthy is the rich indexing of all entries
(the dynamically expanded keyword catalogue now includes almost 4,800 entries, each in English and
German), made possible by Dr. Trinkwitz' decades of expertise and interdisciplinary knowledge.

The BOBC has become an irreplaceable, unique resource for international comics studies: it is a central
point of reference for this growing field. It is acknowledged well beyond the German-speaking world
by renowned researchers as well as international institutions of comics research, who regularly use it
and recommend it to young academics. Every month, up to 150,000 database queries and hundreds
of individual page views are counted by visitors from all over the world (18% of whom come from the
USA and Canada). The bibliography has become an indispensable tool not only in German studies, but
also in art and media studies, cultural studies and multimodal linguistics, as well as for many other
philologies – such as American studies, English studies, Romance studies, Scandinavian studies, and
Japanese studies – which we can no longer conceive their teaching and research into comics without
this tool. Recently, even representatives of seemingly more remote disciplines such as medicine,
religious studies/theology, and geography have become users of the bibliography.

The German Society for Comics Studies (ComFor e.V.) has been supporting the BOBC for almost a
decade with regular sums from its membership fees to finance student staff positions for the initial
recording of the ever more rapidly growing number of relevant new publications in our research fields.
In order to maintain this indispensable resource, however, beyond this continuous technical labour,
there is the need for constant indexing, coherence checking, and qualitative data control, for which an
experienced colleague such as Dr Trinkwitz is needed.

In order to secure the future of this important resource even after the imminent retirement of our
esteemed colleague, we therefore turn to the University of Bonn and its Faculty of Philosophy with
two urgent questions in particular:

1) How can the technical infrastructure for the BOBC be secured?

The BOBC is currently running on a server of the Bonn Institute under the open source
database software "WIKINDX", which is currently maintained steadily and with commitment,
but only through the efforts of a few individuals worldwide. Sooner or later, therefore, it will
be necessary either to make a switch to a more expensive alternative database system that is
professionally maintained, or to set up a (half-time) IT and information technology position
that can continue to update and maintain WIKINDX.

2) How can the professional maintenance of the BOBC be secured?

Quality control, maintenance, and indexing of new entries require the continued work of a
fully employed academic at no less than postgraduate level. Additional support by auxiliary
staff for data entry can still be ensured through partner institutions such as the German
Society for Comics Studies.

We would therefore like to invite you to enter into a dialogue with the German Society for Comics
Studies to discuss these needs in order to ensure the continued availability of this internationally and
interdisciplinarily renowned research resource at the University of Bonn.

Dr. Joachim Trinkwitz for the BOBC
PD Dr. Christina Meyer, Dr. Lukas R.A. Wilde and Dr. Vanessa Ossa
for the Society for Comics Research (ComFor)

Supporting Institutions:
AG Animation, Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (GfM), Dr. Erwin Feyersinger
Arbeitsstelle für Graphische Literatur (ArGL), Universität Hamburg, Prof. Dr. Astrid Böger
Institut für Jugendbuchforschung, Universität Frankfurt am Main, Dr. Felix Giesa
Interdisziplinäres Comicforschungsnetzwerk Düsseldorf (icon), Nicolas Gaspers
Netzwerk Comicforschung an der Universität zu Köln, Prof. Dr. Stephan Packard

Supporting Colleagues:
Prof. Dr. Jörn Ahrens, Kultursoziologie, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen & Extra Ordinary Professor of Social Anthropology, North-West University, South Africa
Prof. Dr. Bart Beaty, Department of English, University of Calgary, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
Prof. Dr. Jaqueline Berndt, Department of Asian Studies, Stockholm University
PD Dr. Juliane Blank, Germanistik, Universität des Saarlandes
Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Stephan Köhn, Japanologie, Universität zu Köln
Prof. Dr. Irmela Marei Krüger-Fürhoff, Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie, Freie Universität
Dr. Pascal Lefèvre, Comics Studies LUCA School of Arts, Campus Sint-Lukas, Brussels
Prof. Dr. Markus Oppolzer, Englische Literaturwissenschaft und Fremdsprachendidaktik, Universität
Prof. Dr. Stephan Packard, Medienkultur und Theater, Universität zu Köln
Prof. Dr. Marie Schröer, Kultursemiotik und Kulturen romanischer Länder, Universität Potsdam
Prof. Dr. Daniel Stein, Seminar für Anglistik, Universität Siegen
Dr. Brett Sterling, Dept. of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Arkansas

Prof. Dr. Jan-Noël Thon, Medienwissenschaft, Technisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Universität
Assistenzprofessorin Dr. Janina Wildfeuer, Chair Group Multimodal Communication, Communication
and Information Studies, University of Groningen 

German language:

Sicherung und Erhalt der Bonner Online-Bibliographie zur Comicforschung (BOBC),

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Kolleg*innen, die Bonner Online-Bibliographie zur Comicforschung (BOBC) wurde 2008 unter der Regie von Dr.Joachim Trinkwitz, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter des Instituts für Germanistik, Vergleichende Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, zunächst als Instrument für die Lehre ins Leben gerufen, später als Angebot für die Forschungsgemeinde online gestellt und seither fortwährend in Eigenregie ausgebaut. Durch diesen unermüdlichen Einsatz umfasst sie derzeit über 13.500 internationale Einträge zur Literaturrecherche für die interdisziplinäre Comicforschung. Besonders hervorzuheben ist die reiche Verschlagwortung aller Einträge (der dynamisch erweiterte Schlagwortkatalog umfasst mittlerweile fast 4.800 Einträge, jeweils in englischer und deutscher Sprache), die durch Dr. Trinkwitz‘ jahrzehntelange Expertisen und disziplinübergreifende Fachkenntnisse ermöglicht wird.

In der internationalen Comicforschung ist die BOBC eine unersetzliche, einzigartige Ressource
geworden: sie ist die zentrale Anlaufstelle für die Bibliographie des jungen Forschungsfelds. So wird sie – weit über den deutschen Sprachraum hinaus – von renommierten Forschungskolleg*innen ebenso
wie internationalen Institutionen der Comicforschung wahrgenommen, rege genutzt und dem
wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs empfohlen. Pro Monat werden bis zu 150.000 Datenbankanfragen und
hunderte individuelle Seitenaufrufe von Besucher*innen aus aller Welt (davon zu 18% aus USA und
Kanada) gezählt. Die Bibliographie ist so zu einem unverzichtbaren Werkzeug nicht nur in der
Germanistik, sondern auch in Kunst- und Medienwissenschaft, in Cultural Studies und der
multimodalen Linguistik sowie für viele weitere Philologien – wie Amerikanistik, Anglistik, Romanistik, Skandinavistik oder Japanologie – avanciert, welches aus unseren Lehr- und Forschungstätigkeiten nicht mehr wegzudenken ist. Neuerdings zählen selbst Vertreter*innen scheinbar entlegenerer Fachgebiete wie Medizin, Religionswissenschaft/Theologie oder Geographie zu den Nutzern der Bibliographie.

Die wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Comicforschung (ComFor) e.V. unterstützt die BOBC seit knapp
einem Jahrzehnt mit regelmäßigen Summen aus ihren Mitgliedsbeiträgen, um studentische
Mitarbeitsstellen zur Erstaufnahme der immer rapider anwachsenden Zahl von einschlägigen
Neuerscheinungen in unseren Forschungsbereichen zu finanzieren. Um diese unverzichtbare
Ressource zu erhalten, bedarf es jedoch jenseits dieser ständigen, technischen Arbeitsschritte auch
der steten und kontinuierlichen Verschlagwortung, Kohärenzprüfung und Kontrolle der Daten durch
eine/n ausgewiesene/n Kolleg*in wie Dr. Trinkwitz.

Um die Zukunft dieser unverzichtbaren Ressource auch über den mittelbaren Ruhestand des
geschätzten Kollegen hinaus zu sichern, wenden wir uns daher insbesondere mit zwei drängenden
Fragen an die Universität Bonn und ihre Philosophische Fakultät:

1) Wie soll der Erhalt der BOBC technisch sichergestellt werden?
Die BOBC läuft derzeit auf einem Server des Bonner Instituts mit der Open Source-
Datenbank-Software „WIKINDX“, die zurzeit weltweit zwar stetig und engagiert, aber nur
durch den Einsatz weniger Einzelpersonen gepflegt wird. Hier bedarf es also über kurz oder
lang entweder einer aufwändigeren Umstellung auf ein kostenpflichtiges alternatives
Datenbanksystem, welches professionell betreut wird, oder aber der Einrichtung einer
(halben) IT- und Informatik-Stelle, durch welche WIKINDX weiterhin aktualisiert und gepflegt
werden kann.

2) Wie soll der Erhalt der BOBC personell sichergestellt werden?

Für die Kontrolle, Pflege und Verschlagwortung neuer Einträge ist mittelfristig eine (halbe)
Stelle notwendig, für die Expertise auf Postgraduierten-Niveau (mindestens
Doktorand*innen) unverzichtbar erforderlich sind. Zuarbeit durch studentische
Mitarbeitende zur Datenerfassung kann weiterhin über Partner-Institutionen wie die
Gesellschaft für Comicforschung sichergestellt werden.

Wir möchten Sie daher zu einem Austausch mit der Gesellschaft für Comicforschung über diese beiden
drängenden Desiderate einladen, um eine langfristige Sicherung dieser Forschungsressource der Uni
Bonn für die internationale und interdisziplinäre Comicforschung zu gewährleisten.

Dr. Joachim Trinkwitz für die BOBC
PD Dr. Christina Meyer, Dr. Lukas R.A. Wilde und Dr. Vanessa Ossa
für die Gesellschaft für Comicforschung (ComFor)

Unterstützende Institutionen:
AG Animation, Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (GfM), Dr. Erwin Feyersinger
Arbeitsstelle für Graphische Literatur (ArGL), Universität Hamburg, Prof. Dr. Astrid Böger
Institut für Jugendbuchforschung, Universität Frankfurt am Main, Dr. Felix Giesa
Interdisziplinäres Comicforschungsnetzwerk Düsseldorf (icon), Nicolas Gaspers
Netzwerk Comicforschung an der Universität zu Köln, Prof. Dr. Stephan Packard

Erstunterstützende Kolleg*innen:
Prof. Dr. Jörn Ahrens, Kultursoziologie, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen & Extra Ordinary Professor of Social Anthropology, North-West University, South Africa
Prof. Dr. Bart Beaty, Department of English, University of Calgary, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
Prof. Dr. Jaqueline Berndt, Department of Asian Studies, Stockholm University
PD Dr. Juliane Blank, Germanistik, Universität des Saarlandes
Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Stephan Köhn, Japanologie, Universität zu Köln
Prof. Dr. Irmela Marei Krüger-Fürhoff, Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie, Freie Universität
Dr. Pascal Lefèvre, Comics Studies LUCA School of Arts, Campus Sint-Lukas, Brussels
Prof. Dr. Markus Oppolzer, Englische Literaturwissenschaft und Fremdsprachendidaktik, Universität
Prof. Dr. Stephan Packard, Medienkultur und Theater, Universität zu Köln
Prof. Dr. Marie Schröer, Kultursemiotik und Kulturen romanischer Länder, Universität Potsdam
Prof. Dr. Daniel Stein, Seminar für Anglistik, Universität Siegen
Dr. Brett Sterling, Dept. of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Arkansas
Prof. Dr. Jan-Noël Thon, Medienwissenschaft, Technisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Universität
Assistenzprofessorin Dr. Janina Wildfeuer, Chair Group Multimodal Communication, Communication
and Information Studies, University of Groningen


Asegurar y mantener la Base Bibliográfica en línea de Bonn para la Investigación de Cómics (BOBC),

Al Decano de Filosofía y Rector de la Universidad de Bonn:

La Base Bibliográfica en línea de Bonn para la Investigación de Cómics (Bonner Online Bibliographie für Comicforschung, BOBC) se lanzó en 2008 bajo la dirección del Dr. Joachim Trinkwitz, asistente de investigación en el Instituto de Estudios Alemanes, Literatura Comparada y Estudios Culturales en el Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms- Universität Bonn. Diseñado inicialmente como una herramienta para la enseñanza, luego se publicó en línea como un servicio para la comunidad de investigadores. Desde entonces, se ha expandido continuamente bajo la dirección de Trinkiwtz. Gracias a su incansable esfuerzo, ahora ofrece más de 13.500 entradas internacionales para investigadores en estudios interdisciplinarios del cómic. Particularmente digno de mención es la rica indexación de todas las entradas (el catálogo expandido dinámicamente de palabras clave ahora incluye casi 4.800 entradas, cada una en inglés y en alemán), que fue posible gracias a las décadas de experiencia y conocimiento interdisciplinario del Dr. Trinkwitz.

El BOBC se ha convertido en un recurso único e insustituible para los estudios internacionales del cómic: es un punto de referencia central para este campo en crecimiento. Es reconocido más allá del mundo de habla alemana por investigadores de renombre, así como por instituciones internacionales de investigación del cómic, que lo utilizan regularmente y lo recomiendan a los jóvenes académicos. Cada mes, visitantes de todo el mundo suman hasta 150.000 consultas de bases de datos y cientos de páginas vistas individuales (el 18% de las cuales provienen de EE. UU. y Canadá). La bibliografía se ha convertido en una herramienta indispensable no solo en los estudios alemanes, sino también en los estudios de arte y medios, estudios culturales y lingüística multimodal, así como para muchas otras filologías, como estudios estadounidenses, estudios ingleses, estudios románicos, estudios escandinavos y estudios japoneses – de manera que ya no podemos concebir su enseñanza e investigación sobre el cómic sin esta herramienta. Recientemente, incluso representantes de disciplinas aparentemente más remotas como la medicina, los estudios religiosos / teología y la geografía se han convertido en usuarios de la base bibliográfica.

La Sociedad Alemana de Estudios de Cómics (ComFor e.V.) ha estado apoyando a la BOBC durante casi una década con sumas regulares de sus cuotas de membresía para financiar puestos de personal estudiantil para la grabación inicial del número cada vez mayor de nuevas publicaciones relevantes en nuestros campos de investigación. Sin embargo, para mantener este recurso indispensable, más allá de este trabajo técnico continuo, existe la necesidad de indexación constante, verificación de coherencia y control de datos cualitativos, para lo cual se necesita un colega experimentado como el Dr. Trinkwitz.
Para asegurar el futuro de este importante recurso incluso después de la inminente jubilación de nuestro estimado colega, nos dirigimos a la Universidad de Bonn y a su Facultad de Filosofía con dos preguntas urgentes en particular:

1) ¿Cómo se puede asegurar la infraestructura técnica del BOBC? El BOBC se está ejecutando actualmente en un servidor del Instituto de Bonn bajo el software de base de datos de código abierto "WIKINDX", que actualmente se mantiene de manera constante y con compromiso, pero solo gracias a los esfuerzos de unas pocas personas en todo el mundo. Tarde o temprano, por lo tanto, será necesario cambiar a un sistema de base de datos alternativo más costoso que se mantenga profesionalmente, o establecer un puesto de (medio tiempo) de IT, así como tecnología de la información que pueda continuar actualizando y manteniendo WIKINDX.

2) ¿Cómo se puede asegurar el mantenimiento profesional del BOBC? El control de calidad, el mantenimiento y la indexación de nuevas entradas requieren el trabajo continuo de un académico empleado a tiempo completo en no menos de un nivel de posgrado. Aún se puede garantizar el apoyo adicional del personal auxiliar para la entrada de datos a través de instituciones asociadas como la Sociedad Alemana de Estudios del Cómic.

Por lo tanto, nos gustaría invitarlo a entablar un diálogo con la Sociedad Alemana de Estudios del Cómic para discutir estas necesidades a fin de garantizar la disponibilidad continua de este recurso de investigación de renombre internacional e interdisciplinar en la Universidad de Bonn.

Dr. Joachim Trinkwitz ppr el BOBC
PD Dra. Christina Meyer, Dr. Lukas R.A. Wilde y la Dra. Vanessa Ossa para la Society for Comics Research (ComFor)

Instituciones de apoyo:
AG Animation, Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (GfM), Dr. Erwin Feyersinger
Arbeitsstelle für Graphische Literatur (ArGL), Universität Hamburg, Prof.Dr. Astrid Böger
Institut für Jugendbuchforschung, Universität Frankfurt am Main, Dr. Felix Giesa
Interdisziplinäres Comicforschungsnetzwerk Düsseldorf (icono), Nicolas Gaspers
Netzwerk Comicforschung an der Universität zu Köln, Prof.Dr. Stephan Packard
Compañeros de apoyo:
Prof.Dr. Jörn Ahrens, Kultursoziologie, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen y profesor extraordinario de antropología social, North-West University, Sudáfrica
Prof.Dr. Bart Beaty, Departamento de Inglés, Universidad de Calgary, miembro de la Royal Society of Canada
Prof. Dra. Jaqueline Berndt, Departamento de Estudios Asiáticos, Universidad de Estocolmo
PD Dra. Juliane Blank, Germanistik, Universität des Saarlandes
Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Stephan Köhn, Japanologie, Universität zu Köln
Prof. Dr. Irmela Marei Krüger-Fürhoff, Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie, Freie Universität Berlin
Dr. Pascal Lefèvre, Comics Studies LUCA School of Arts, Campus Sint-Lukas, Bruselas
Prof. Dr. Markus Oppolzer, Englische Literaturwissenschaft und Fremdsprachendidaktik, Universität Salzburg
Prof. Dr. Stephan Packard, Medienkultur und Theatre, Universität zu Köln
Prof. Dra. Marie Schröer, Kultursemiotik und Kulturen romanischer Länder, Universität Potsdam
Prof.Dr. Daniel Stein, Seminario für Anglistik, Universität Siegen
Dr. Brett Sterling, Departamento de Idiomas, Literaturas y Culturas del Mundo, Universidad de Arkansas
Prof. Dr. Jan-Noël Thon, Medienwissenschaft, Technisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Universität Norwegens
Assistenzprofessorin Dra. Janina Wildfeuer, Presidenta del Grupo de Estudios de Comunicación, Comunicación e Información Multimodal, Universidad de Groningen

Préservation et maintien de la Bibliographie en ligne de Bonn sur la recherche en bandes dessinées (BOBC)

Mesdames, Messieurs, chères collègues, chers collègues,

En 2008, la Bibliographie en ligne de Bonn sur la recherche en bandes dessinées (BOBC) fut fondée sous la direction de Joachim Trinkwitz, assistant de recherche à l’institut de germanistique, littérature et culture comparée de la Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. Elle fut d’abord instaurée comme moyen d’enseignement, puis elle fut digitalisée pour la communauté scientifique. Au cours des années suivantes, la Bibliographie a été élargie d’une façon très remarquable par Dr. Trinkwitz. Grâce à son engagement inlassable, elle contient actuellement plus de 13.500 entrées internationales pour la recherche interdisciplinaire dans le domaine des bandes dessinées. La riche indexation de toutes les entrées (le fichier par mots-clés contient entretemps presque 4.800 entrées, en anglais comme en allemand) représente un grand atout de la BOBC. Cette indexation a été rendu possible grâce à l’excellente expertise de Dr. Trinkwitz et particulièrement grâce à ses connaissances interdisciplinaires.
Dans la recherche internationale sur la bande dessinée, la BOBC est devenue une ressource irremplaçable et unique, voire le point de référence central. Grâce à ce fait, elle est utilisée – au-delà des pays germanophones – par des chercheurs renommés, des institutions internationales spécialisées dans la recherche de bandes dessinées et la jeune génération de scientifiques. Chaque mois, il y a jusqu’à 150.000 demandes sur les banques de données et une centaine de visites individuelles provenant du monde entier (18% d’entre elles des États-Unis et du Canada). La bibliographie est devenue un outil indispensable pour l’enseignement et la recherche, non seulement dans la germanistique mais aussi dans les sciences de l’art et des médias, dans les Cultural Studies et dans la linguistique multimodale, ainsi que pour beaucoup d’autres philologies comme la philologie américaine, anglaise, scandinave, japonaise et les philologies romanes. Depuis un certain temps déjà, la bibliographie est même utilisée par des chercheurs d’autres domaines scientifiques comme la médecine, la théologie ou la géographie.
La Société allemande pour la recherche sur la bande dessinée (ComFor e.V.) patronne la BOBC régulièrement avec des sommes de cotisation depuis presque une décennie. Cet argent rend possible le financement des assistants étudiants qui s’occupent de l’enregistrement de nouvelles publications qui augmentent constamment. Afin de pouvoir préserver cette ressource indispensable, il est nécessaire – à part du travail technique continuel – qu’un(e) collègue, riche en expérience comme Dr. Trinkwitz, assure la réalisation de l’index, examine la cohérence des entrées et contrôle les données.
Afin d’assurer le maintien de cette ressource indispensable après la retraite du collègue estimé, nous nous adressons à l’Université de Bonn et à sa Faculté de Sciences Humaines avec deux questions urgentes :

1) Comment assurer le maintien de la BOBC sur le niveau technique ?

En ce moment, la BOBC est installée sur un serveur de l’institut de Bonn avec la banque de données « WIKINDX » qui est maintenue continuellement à niveau mondial, mais seulement par quelques peu de volontaires engagé(e)s. Il est donc nécessaire, soit de changer le système de banque de données – on pourrait penser à une alternative payante, maintenue professionnellement – soit de mettre en place un poste à temps partiel (50%) ou à temps plein avec une spécialisation en informatique, qui s’occuperait de l’actualisation et du maintien de « WIKINDX ».

2) Comment assurer le maintien de la BOBC sur le niveau du personnel ?

Pour le contrôle, la maintenance de la banque de données et l'indexation des nouvelles entrées, un (demi) poste est nécessaire à moyen terme, pour lequel une expertise à un niveau post-gradué (au moins des doctorants) est indispensable. Le support d’assistants étudiants pour la saisie de données peut être assuré dans l’avenir par des institutions partenaires comme la Société allemande pour la recherche sur la bande dessinée.

Nous voudrions donc vous inviter à un échange avec la Société allemande pour la recherche sur la bande dessinée sur ces deux impératifs, afin d'assurer la sauvegarde à long terme de cette ressource prestigieuse de l'Université de Bonn pour la recherche internationale et interdisciplinaire sur la bande dessinée.

Signé par :
Dr. Joachim Trinkwitz für die BOBC
PD Dr. Christina Meyer, Dr. Lukas R.A. Wilde and Dr. Vanessa Ossa für die Gesellschaft für Comicforschung (ComFor)

Institutions soutenantes :
AG Animation, Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (GfM), Dr. Erwin Feyersinger
Arbeitsstelle für Graphische Literatur (ArGL)Universität Hamburg, Prof. Dr. Astrid Böger
Institut für Jugendbuchforschung, Universität Frankfurt am Main, Dr. Felix Giesa
Interdisziplinäres Comicforschungsnetzwerk Düsseldorf (icon), Nicolas Gaspers
Netzwerk Comicforschung an der Universität zu Köln, Prof. Dr. Stephan Packard
Collègues soutenants :
Prof. Dr. Jörn Ahrens, Kultursoziologie, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen & Extra Ordinary Professor of Social Anthropology, North-West University, South Africa
Prof. Dr. Bart Beaty, Department of English, University of Calgary, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
Prof. Dr. Jaqueline Berndt, Department of Asian Studies, Stockholm University
PD Dr. Juliane Blank, Germanistik, Universität des Saarlandes
Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Stephan Köhn, Japanologie, Universität zu Köln
Prof. Dr. Irmela Marei Krüger-Fürhoff, Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie, Freie Universität Berlin
Dr. Pascal Lefèvre, Comics Studies LUCA School of Arts, Campus Sint-Lukas, Brussels
Prof. Dr. Markus Oppolzer, Englische Literaturwissenschaft und Fremdsprachendidaktik, Universität Salzburg
Prof. Dr. Stephan Packard, Medienkultur und Theater, Universität zu Köln
Prof. Dr. Marie Schröer, Kultursemiotik und Kulturen romanischer Länder, Universität Potsdam
Prof. Dr. Daniel Stein, Seminar für Anglistik, Universität Siegen
Dr. Brett Sterling, Dept. of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Arkansas
Prof. Dr. Jan-Noël Thon, Medienwissenschaft, Technisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Universität Norwegens
Assistenzprofessorin Dr. Janina Wildfeuer, Chair Group Multimodal Communication, Communication and Information Studies, University of Groningen

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Comic Art Bibliography: ANTHOLOGIES, REPRINTS

No comments yet on this special feature? Oh well. Here's a section I've been working on with some current reviews.

Anthology of Graphic Fiction, Cartoons and True Stories (Yale)
Brunetti, Ivan. 2008. An Anthology Of Graphic Fiction, Cartoons & True Stories, Vol. 2. Yale University Press
Evans, Bryn. 2009. An Interview with Ivan Brunetti. Bookslut (February):
Mautner, Chris. 2008. Blog@ Q&A: Ivan Brunetti [on Yale anthology]. Newsarama (November 20):
McConnell, Robin. 2008. Ivan Brunetti. Inkstuds (December 11):
Moss, Wil. 2006. Ivan Brunetti's Idiosyncratic 'Best-of'. PW Comics Week October 24):
O'Shea, Tim. 2008. Ivan Brunetti on An Anthology of Graphic Fiction, Cartoons, and True Stories: Volume 2. Talking with Tim blog (December 23):
von Busack, Richard. 2009. It's a Scrawl World: Ivan Brunetti's new anthology of comics and graphic fiction is a wide-ranging stroll through risky territory Metro Active (April 1):
Wild, Peter. 2008. Ivan Brunetti. Bookmunch:
Best American Comics
Feran, Tom. 2008. Rich sampling in "The Best American Comics," edited by Lynda Barry, leaves readers hungry for more. Cleveland Plain Dealer (November 12). Online at
Gehr, Richard. 2008. Pulp Fictions: Anthology of Graphic Fiction, Cartoons & True Stories Volume Two and The Best American Comics 2008. Village Voices' Pulp Fictions blog (October 22):
Maury, Laurel. 2008. Books We Like: Beautiful, Graphic 'Flights' Of Fantasy. (August 13):
I Live Here
Kirshner, Mia. 2008. I Live Here [Joe Sacco and Pheobe Gloeckner stories]. New York: Pantheon
McConnell, Robin. 2008. Mia Kirshner and The I Live Here Project [Joe Sacco and Pheobe Gloeckner]. Inkstuds (November 20):
Kramer’s Ergot (SEE ALSO Harkham, Sammy)
Gehr, Richard. 2008. Pulp Fictions: Kramers Ergot 7 and The Ganzfeld 7. Village Voice Pulp Fictions blog (November 12):
Harkham, Sammy. 2008. Kramer's Ergot #7. Buenaventura
McConnell, Robin. 2008. Sammy Harkham [on Kramers Ergot]. Inkstuds (December 1):
McConnell, Robin. 2008. Josh Simmons 08 [on Kramers Ergot]. Inkstuds (November 15):
Phegley, Kiel. 2009. Sammy Harkham on "Kramers Ergot" 7. Four Color Forum (February 17):
Randle, Chris. 2008. Bigger than life: The new, massive edition of comix anthology Kramers Ergot is worth every penny. Eye Weekly (December 10). Online at
Stroud, Matt. 2008. An ambitious and controversial new comics anthology is on the road [Kramer's Ergot 7]. Pittsburgh City Paper (December 4). Online at
Secret Identities: The Asian American Superhero Anthology
Website -
Blog -
Official promotional trailer -
Brady, Matt. 2009. Greg Pak: Creating an Asian American Hero with The Citizen. Newsarama (March 27):
Contino, Jennifer M. 2009. Revealing Chow's Secret Identity [Secret Identities anthology]. Comicon's The Pulse (February 24):
Ishii, Anne. 2009. Secret Identities Revealed. Publishers Weekly’s PW Comics Week (March 10):
Neubert, Amy Patterson. 2009. Comic book artists reveal their 'Secret Identities' with Purdue visit. (March):
Powers, Rose. 2009. Secret Identities book tour visits UI campus, spreads cultural awareness. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign's Daily Illini (April 1). Online at

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Comic Art Bibliography: Violence Controversy in comic books

I chose this because there's a good bit on the Ten-Cent Plague, but I notice that I don't have Amy Nyberg's book on Comic Code Authority (that'll be in John's earlier volumes) or Bart Beaty's book on Wertham so be on the lookout for those two. And keep in mind, these are supposed to be post-2005 on the assumption that John's previous 10-volume set picked up pre-2005.

Violence Controversy
Crist, Judith. 1948. Horror in the nursery [Wertham]. Collier's (March 27)
[Unknown.] 1949. School for Sadism: Folk Art in the Atomic Age [comics]. Art Digest 23(May):27.
The Ten-Cent Plague (2008) by David Hajdu
Akst, Daniel. 2008. Pulp factions: Wildly popular in the 1940s and '50s, edgy comics aroused the ire of teachers, religious leaders, and lawmakers [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. Boston Globe (March 16).
Online at
Andelman, Bob. 2008. David Hajdu, The Ten-Cent Plague author: Mr. Media Audio Interview.
Mr. (May 17):
Athitakis, Mark. 2008. David Hajdu, Monday, April 7, at Politics and Prose. Washington City Paper (April 4). Online at
Baker, R.C. 2008. The Ten-Cent Plague: Weird tales, indeed; David Hajdu's History of the Comic-Book Panic. Village Voice (March 18). Online at,david-hajdu-comic-book-panic,381194,10.html
Bartilucci, Vinnie. 2008. David Hajdu On The Ten Cent Plague [interview]. Newsarama (March 20):
Beaty, Bart. 2008. CR Review Special: Bart Beaty On David Hajdu's The Ten-Cent Plague. Comics Reporter April 22-24): ; ;
Boucher, Geoff. 2008. 'The Ten-Cent Plague' by David Hajdu: How comic book creators tested the limits of content in the face of an ever-changing bonfire brigade. Los Angeles Times (March 16):,1,7308194.story
Cardace, Sara. 2008 David Hajdu on the Great Comics Scare. (March 26):
Carlson, Jenny. 2008. The Ten-Cent Plague: Revisiting the 20th-Century Comic Book Scare. PopMatters (April 23):
Clayson, Jane. 2008. The 1950s Comic-Book Scare [Hajdu]. National Public Radio and WBUR's On Air (March 26). online at
Cremins, Robert. 2008. New in fiction and nonfiction: threats to wholesomeness [Hajdu's Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. Houston Chronicle (March 28). Online at
DeLuca, Dan. 2008. Step aside, Elvis; comics changed it all. Though he exaggerates their importance, the author unearths a forgotten story of censorship [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. Philadelphia Inquirer (March 16).
Online at
Deusner, Stephen M. 2008. Not So Funny: David Hajdu on Comic Book Controversies [interview]. Express (April 7):
Deusner, Stephen M. 2008. Comic-Phobia Not So Funny: David Hajdu explores controversy behind an American pastime. [Washington Post] Express (April 7): 20
Doherty, Brian. 2009. Friday Mini Book Review: The Ten Cent Plague. (January 2): l
Dotinga, Randy. 2008. Why comic books scared us so: Captain Marvel reduced to ashes by terrified parents? David Hajdu examines the great comic-book panic of the 1950s [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America; audio interview on website]. Christian Science Monitor (March 25). Online at
Douthat, Ross. 2008. Yesterday's Culture Wars [Hajdu's Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. The (April 17):
Drabelle, Dennis. 2008. Horror! Suspense! Censorship! A cultural critic recounts how comics were ripped out of kids' grubby hands [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. Washington Post Book World (March 23): BW08.
Online at
Duin, Steve. 2008. 'Ten-Cent Plague' illustrates history of early comic-book scare; Seeing the 'scary' in the comic-book scare would have been better [Hajdu's Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. The Oregonian (April 13). Online at
Frazier, Joseph B. / Associated Press. 2008. When Comic Books Were Under Attack [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. (February 26):
Frazier, Joseph B. 2008. Book talks about when comic books were under attack: review [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. Canadian Press (February 26):
Hajdu, David. 2008. The Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America [censorship]. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Hajdu, David. 2008. David Hajdu: The Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America. Free Library of Philadelphia podcast (March 18):
Hajdu, David. 2008. The Ten-Cent Plague. Bookforum (February / March 2008):
Hajdu, David. 2008. ABFFE Book of the Month: The Ten Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America by David Hajdu [interview]. American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression. Online at
Hajdu, David and Douglas Wolk. 2008. A TNR Debate: 'The Ten-Cent Plague' by David Hajdu & Douglas Wolk. The New (April 7, 9, 10):
Handlen, Zack. 2008. The Ten-Cent Plague by David Hajdu (Farrar, Straus and Giroux) [book review]. The Onion (April 24). Online at
Heer, Jeet. 2008. How comic books ruined the nation [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. The Globe and Mail (March 22). Online at
Hogan, Ron. 2008. Hajdu's Comic Turn: From Strayhorn to Dylan to the homoerotic in Batman [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. Publishers Weekly (January 7). Online at
Kanfer, Stefan. 2008. Pyrrhic Victory: A new comic-book history chronicles a war between good taste and free expression [Hajdu's Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. City Journal (May 2):
Kannenberg, Gene Jr. 2008. The Not-So-Untold Story of the Great Comic-Book Scare [Hajdu's Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. The Chronicle Review 54 (37, May 23): B19
Kaufmann, David. 2008. Comics: Marvel’s Mavens [Disguised as Clark Kent: Jews, Comics, and the Creation of the Superhero by Danny Fingeroth; The Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America by Hajdu]. Jewish Daily Forward (March 19).
Online at
Klaw, Rick. 2008. Readings - The Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America. Austin Chronicle (March 21). Online at
Lopate, Leonard. 2008. The Comic Book Plague [David Hajdu's The Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. National Public Radio / WNYC's The Leonard Lopate Show (April 21). Online at
Maslin, Janet. 2008. The Amazing Adventures of the Midcentury Comic Book Trade [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. New York Times (March 10). Online at
Mautner, Chris. 2008. Comics' history not so comic, new book says [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. Patriot-News (March 21).
Online at
Menand, Louis. 2008. The Horror: Congress investigates the comics [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. New (March 31):
Miller, Laura. 2008. Panic in the pages; Did comic books -- and the firestorm they touched off in the 1950s -- do more than rock 'n' roll to create the generation gap? [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. Salon (March 24):
Miller, Roger K. 2008. 'Sick' influence on teens worried 1950s U.S. [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (March 23). Online at
Miller, Roger K. 2008. Mad about comics: As the popularity of comics increased in the 1940s, so did the fear and loathing of parents, churches and lawmakers [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. Minneapolis Star Tribune (March 14). Online at
Minzesheimer, Bob. 2008. 'Ten-Cent Plague': Comic books and censorship [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. USA Today (March 19). Online at
Mozzocco, J. Caleb. 2008. A forgotten culture war: The Ten-Cent Plague chronicles the comic-book persecution of the 1950s [Hajdu]. Las Vegas Weekly (April 9). Online at
Poague, George. 2008. When U.S. trembled in fear of comics [Hajdu's Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. Clarksville TN Leaf Chronicle (April 13). Online at
Powers, Ron. 2008. Penny Dreadfuls [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. New York Times Book Review (March 23). Online at
Reese, Jennifer. 2008. Comics On Trial: David Hajdu's book recalls the early decency battle over that '50s scourge: comic books [The Ten-Cent Plague]. Entertainment Weekly (March 21): 62. Online at,,20184070,00.html
Rich. 2009. 'The Ten-Cent Plague' author David Hajdu at Wordsmiths Books in Decatur, Thursday, February 12. Cable & Tweed blog (February 11):
Salie, Faith. 2008. Nicholas Christakis, Chris Parnell, David Hajdu [The Ten-Cent Plague]. Public Radio International's Fair Game (April 1). Online at ;
Saly, Samantha. 2008. J-School Prof Gives Talk on Subversive Role of Comics [Hajdu's Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. Columbia Spectator (April 11). Online at
Seligman, Craig. 2008. How Prudes, Senators Almost Killed Comic Books [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. Bloomberg (March 18):
Shwartz, Ben. 2008. Ben Shwartz Responds To Bart Beaty on David Hajdu's Ten-Cent Plague. Comics Reporter (April 29):
Smith, Scott. 2008. Book review: The Ten-Cent Plague By David Hajdu. Time Out Chicago (163; April 10-16). Online at
Smith, Wendy. 2008. Comics relief: David Hajdu brings to life the colorful characters—real and imaginary—who gave a popular art form a boost [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. Chicago Tribune (March 22).
Online at,1,2954124.story+david+hajdu+review+ten+cent&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=50&gl=ca
Thorn, Jesse. 2008. Podcast: The Ten Cent Plague: David Hajdu on Comic Book Censorship in the 1950s. The Sound of Young America (May 2):
Tyler, Justin, Pete LePage, and Alex Zalben. 2008. Comic Book Club w/ Andrew W.K., Mike Oeming, Adam Koford, and David Hajdu. Comic Book Club (April 1):
Unknown. 2008. The Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America. The Week Daily (April ?). Online at
Unknown. 2008. Our Views: When comics raised anxiety [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. Advocate Opinion (March 21): 8B
Online at
Usborne, David. 2008. Congress and a comic caper: Popular culture and the American way have never been comfortable bedfellows. As a new book reveals, even cartoons were accused of corrupting the nation's youth [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. Independent (March 25). Online at
Wirick, Richard. 2008. The Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic Book Scare and How It Changed America by David Hajdu. Bookslut (April):
Wolk, Douglas. 2008. Scare tactics: When comics were too crude for school [Hajdu’s Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic-Book Scare and How It Changed America]. Boston Phoenix (March 24). Online at
Zwiker, Jason A. 2008. Subversive Reading: David Hajdu recounts the controversial beginnings of comic book history. Book Review - The Ten-Cent Plague: The Great Comic Book Scare and How it Changed America. Charleston City Paper (April 9). Online at
Codes and "Cleanup"
Moore, Harold A. 1954. The comics crisis [Comic Code Authority]. Newsdealer (July): 3-4
Unknown. 2001. Bam! Kapow! Blasting the code [Marvel withdrawing from Comic Code Authority]. Newsweek (May 28)
Legislative Actions
Wertham, Dr. Frederi
Wertham, Fredric. 1948. The Comics, Very Funny. Reader's Digest (August)
Wertham, Fredric. 1953. What Parents Don't Know About Comic Books. Ladies Home Journal (November)
Wertham, Fredric. 1954. Comic Books : Blueprints for Delinquency. Reader's Digest (May): 24-29
Wertham, Fredric. 1955. It’s still murder; What parents still don’t know about comic books.
Saturday Review (April 9): 11-12, 46-48

Sunday, April 12, 2009

New feature: Comic Art bibliography

The third issue of this year's IJOCA will be devoted to continuing John's 10-volume International Comic Art Bibliography, post-2005, with the cooperation of my online Comics Research Bibliography. As a run-up to that issue, I'll start posting sections that I've worked on. These won't have too many print publication citations yet because John and a graduate student are working on them. As expected, we're also concentrating in post-2005 to try to capture more of what definitely does not have already in print.

Please add missing citations to the comments section and we'll include you in the acknowledgements.

Let's see ... what to start with... how about Chris Ware?

Comic Books
COMIC BOOK MAKERS AND THEIR WORKS (cartoonists with single articles filed under main letter heading)
Ware, Chris

Arnold, Andrew D. 2000. Web Exclusive - Q and A With Comicbook Master Chris Ware;'s Andrew Arnold talked with the much-heralded author of 'Jimmy Corrigan'. (September 1).
Arnold, Andrew D. 2000. Best Comics 2000: Our rundown gives thumbs-up to Chris Ware and Joe Sacco. (December 13):,8599,91291,00.html
Arnold, Andrew D. 2002. A Comix Panel: Six top artists discuss comix [Art Spiegelman, Kim Deitch, Charles Burns, Chris Ware, Richard McGuire, Kaz, and Chip Kidd]. (March 6):,9565,214142,00.html
Arnold, Andrew D. 2004. Orgy! TIME.comix freaks out at 'McSweeney's Quarterly Concern' [Chris Ware anthology]. (June 18):,9565,654422,00.html
Baetens, Jan. 2000. New = Old, Old = New: Digital and Other Comics following Scott McCloud and Chris Ware. EBR 11 (Winter):
Baker, Kenneth. 2004. Books For The Holidays: Our recommendations of the most interesting and entertaining works for gift giving [Chris Ware By Daniel Raeburn; The New Smithsonian Book of Comic-Book Stories From Crumb to Clowes Edited by Bob Callahan].
San Francisco Chronicle (November 14): E-1. Online at
Baker, Sarah. 2007. Conscious Comic: Artist Chris Ware reveals his love for Ulysses.
Omaha Weekly Reader (February 15). Online at
Benedetti, Winda. 2001. Comic book art earns respect at hands of Clowes and Ware. Seattle Post-intelligencer (May 11). online at
Bengal, Rebecca. 2006. On Cartooning: Chris Ware. POV (July):
Bosman, Julie. 2006. A Comic Strip of New Yorker Covers [Chris Ware]. New York Times (November 18)
Branigan, Tania. 2001. Cartoon strip seeks to be first of the first books [Ware's Jimmy Corrigan]. The Guardian (August 24). online at,3604,541698,00.html
Brenner, Wayne Alan. 2004. Big Books Gift guide: Chris Ware by Daniel Raeburn. Austin Chronicle (December 10). Online at
Brockes, Emma. 2001. 'I still have overwhelming doubt about my ability'. Chris Ware won the Guardian First Book Award 2001 for Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth. Emma Brockes finds the author endearingly embarrassed by his success. Guardian (December 7).
online at,4273,4315150,00.html
Cole, Patrick. 2006. Seminole Filmmaker, Guitarist Awarded $50,000 Grants [Joe Sacco, Jim Woodring, Chris Ware]. Bloomberg (December 4). Online at
Collias, Nicholas. 2004. The Sorta-Funnies: McSweeney's presents the first comic standing [Chris Ware]. Boise Weekly (August 18). online at
Edemariam, Aida. 2005. The art of melancholy: He may be a cartoonist, but Chris Ware is more likely to fill his strips with sighs than laughs. With a new book and a new family, he talks about tragedy and comics to Aida Edemariam. Guardian (October 31). Online at,6109,1605195,00.html
Fahey, Anna. 2001. Comic relief: Graphic literature gets its due on gallery walls. [Dan Clowes and Chris Ware exhibit]. Seattle Weekly (May 10)
Ferranto, Matt. 2005. The past is an old house: Chris Ware uses the graphic novel to dissolve convention notions of 'then' and 'now'. Art on Paper (March / April): 54-59
Frahm, Ole. 1995. Comic ist Ware, Comic ist billig. Die tageszeitung 22.5.
Frahm, Ole. 1995. Ware Comic macht keinen Profit. Die tageszeitung 6.6.
Gatti, Tom. 2005. Lives in graphic detail [Chris Ware]. Times of London (September 3).
Online at,,923-1760443,00.html
Glass, Ira. 2001. Superpowers (Episode 178) [Chris Ware interview]. National Public Radio's This American Life (February 23)
Glenn, Joshua. 2004. Tragicomic strips [Chris Ware]. Boston Globe (October 3)
Griffith, Bill. 1998. Chris Ware and Ben Katchor. Civilization (Jun/Jul).
Grossman, Lev, James Poniewozik, and Richard Schickel. 2003. Singing a new toon; Will the hot new film American Splendor persuade adults to look at comic books again? If it does, here are four that could hook them [Quimby by Ware, Blankets by Thompson, Persepolis by Satrapi, Nightmare Alley by Spain]. Time (August 25): 56-88
Gutoff, Bija. 2005. John Kuramoto: Animating Historic Architecture [Chris Ware's "Lost Building" DVD]. (March?):
Hall, Emily. 2001. Space Between Frames: Comics as Art at Roq la Rue [Dan Clowes and Chris Ware exhibit]. The Stranger 10 (37; May 31). online at
Helfrich, Gretchen. 2001. The Evolution of Comics [radio show with Spiegelman, Ware and McCloud]. WBEZ's Odyssey (November 16)
Higson, Charlie. 2004. State of the art: Charlie Higson revels in Chris Ware's collection of modern American masters, McSweeney's 13: The Comics Issue. The Guardian (July 24).
online at,,1267270,00.html
Hodgman, John. 2005. Righteousness in Tights: 'Graphic novels' may come and go, but the foundation of the comic book is still the superhero [Gerard Jones, Chris Ware, Jaime Hernandez, Peter Bagge, Michael Allred, James Sturm]. New York Times Book Review (April 24): 8-9. online at
Howard, Jennifer. 2004. Comics - Chris Ware, by Daniel Raeburn (Yale Univ., $19.95). Washington Post Book World(December 26): BW11
Hune-Brown, Nicholas. 2005. Graphic Nostalgia: Cartoonists Chris Ware, Seth and Charles Burns aren't lost in the past, but revelling in it. Maisonneuve (November 10):
Kannenberg, Jr., Gene. 2001. The Comics of Chris Ware: Text, Image, and Visual Narrative Strategies. In The Language of Comics: Word and Image. Ed. Robin Varnum and Christina T. Gibbons. Jackson: U of Mississippi Press
Kennedy, Mary. 2006. Letters: The Funny Pages ['Building Stories,' by Chris Ware]. New York Times Magazine (May 7)
Kwok, Janet K. 2005. Comics' Trendy Cousins: Graphic novelists behind 'Jimmy Corrigan' and 'Black Hole' appear at the Brattle [Chris Ware and Charles Burns]. Harvard Crimson (October 20). Online at
Mathie, Frank. 2006. Cartoonist's work on display at Chicago museum [Chris Ware]. ABC 7 News (May 8):
Medaris, David. 2006. Wisconsin Book Festival 2006: Chris Ware speaks. The Isthmus (October 9). online at
Moss, Wil. 2005. Ware's work more than a ‘Novelty’. Nashville City Paper (October 4):
Nadel, Dan. 2001. Clowes and Ware on tour. Comics Journal (230; February): 18
Nadel, Dan. 2004. The many varieties of life between the lines [Harry Mayerovitch, Lewis Trondheim, Chris Ware, Seth, Osamu Tezuka]. Washington Post Book World (June 6): 13
Paulson, Steve, Charles McGrath and Anne Strainchamps. 2004. Comix [Spiegelman, Ware, Gaiman, Katchor]. Wisconsin Public Radio's To The Best of Our Knowledge (September 5). online at
Pennington, Zac. 2001. Chris Ware Interview. [Seattle] Tablet (May 4). online at
Phipps, Keith. 2001. Chris Ware [interview]. The Onion:
Poniewozik, James. 2003. Books - Quimby The Mouse By Chris Ware. Time (August 25)
Potter, Steven. 2006. Loud and bright, comics leave an impression; Artist describes medium's lasting effects on popular culture [Chris Ware]. Journal Sentinal (May 4). Online at
Raeburn, Daniel. 2004. Chris Ware. New Haven: Yale University Press
Sabin, Roger. 1997. Not just superheroes [Seth; Chris Ware; Sacco]. Speak (Summer).
Schmidt, Patti. 2001. Interview with Chris Ware. CBC's Brave New Waves (May 25).
online at
Silenzi, Andrea. 2009. Talk to Me: Marjane Satrapi + Chris Ware [and Françoise Mouly]. National Public Radio’s WNYC's Talk to Me blog (March 5): and
Silverblatt, Michael. 2000. Chris Ware and Daniel Clowes: Post-Modern Comix.
National Public Radio and KCRW's Bookworm (November 30). online at
Stanislawski, Ethan. 2006.
Chris Ware's urban cartoons make a strange but effective art exhibit. [University of] Chicago Maroon (June 2). Online at
Strauss, Neil. 2001. Creating Literature, One Comic Book at a Time: Chris Ware's Graphic Tales Mine His Own Life and Heart. New York Times (April 4)
Swanhuyser, Hiya. 2004. A Ware Ness: "Sequential artist" Chris Ware is a smart man with a strange vision. SF Weekly (June 9). Online at
Thomas, Rob. 2006. Cartoonist documents life one panel at a time [Chris Ware].
Capital Times (October 20). online at
Thomson, David. 2001. The antique rude show: His cartoons have a charming old-fashioned look about them. And then you read the words. David Thomson enters the bizarre world of Chris Ware. Guardian (September 4). online at,3604,546458,00.html
Thorson, Alice. 2007. The Art of Comic Books: Comic creator Chris Ware will speak at Nebraska exhibit Omaha native is known for his Acme Novelty Library comics. Kansas City Star (February 11). Online at
Tucker, Ken. 1999. Double takes [Family Guy animated character's resemblance to Chris Ware's comic book]. Entertainment Weekly (July 9): 10
Unknown. 2000. Dan Clowes & Chris Ware [Interview]. Mean Magazine (November/December)
Unknown. 2005. New Chris Ware in September: Plus Craig Thompson, and other Pantheon Releases. (June 17):
Unknown. 2006. Chris Ware at MCA Chicago. Art Daily (May 11):
Ware, Chris. 1998. The Ragtime Ephemeralist. Chicago: Chris Ware.
Ware, Chris. 2001. Say, Gang! Don't you think you'd be happier... [cartoon]. Kiplinger's (January): 130
Ware, Chris. 2001. Scott Joplin: King of Rag-time [comic strip]. Oxford American (40. Fifth annual music issue): 126
Ware, Chris. 2001. Sketchbook: Hollywood Rd. Hong Kong [art]. National Post's Saturday Night (August 4)
Ware, Chris [as George Wilson]. 2002. How to be a better man: The lost arts [illustrations]. Esquire (February): 89-96
Ware, Chris. 2003. Paperback writer: Guardian first book award winner Chris Ware says it in pictures [comic strip from sketchbook]. Guardian (July 12)
Ware, Chris. 2006. A Thanksgiving Feast [four covers and an online strip and interview].
New Yorker (November 27) and
Ware, Chris. 2006. Building Stories - the introduction. Independent (October 1). online at
Ware, Chris. 2007. One Eye: Charles Burns, Photographer. Virginia Quarterly Review (Winter): 104-117. Online at
Warren, Lynne. 2005. Chris Ware Interview: Chris Ware at the MCA. Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (December):
Wolk, Douglas. 2004. Panel Discussion: Jimmy Jazz [Chris Ware By Daniel Raeburn].
Village Voice (November 16). Online at
Wolk, Douglas. 2005. The inimitable Chris Ware: The author of "Jimmy Corrigan" explores a fallen world in this new installment of breathtakingly intricate comic strips. Salon (September 2):
Wondrich, David. 2001. Ragtime: No longer a novelty in sepia [Chris Ware]. New York Times (January 21): Arts 35-36
Worland, Gayle. 2006. Wisconsin Book Festival: 5 questions with graphic novel genius Chris Ware. Wisconsin State Journal (October 13). Online at
Worden, Daniel. 2006. The Shameful Art: McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, Comics, and the Politics of Affect [Chris Ware edited anthology]. MFS Modern Fiction Studies 52 (4, Winter)
Young, Robin. 2005. Comic Strip Artist Chris Ware. National Public Radio and WBUR's Here and Now (December 9). Online at
Acme Novelty Library
Arnold, Andrew D. 2001. The Depressing Joy of Chris Ware: TIME.comix looks at the latest "Acme Novelty Library". (November 27):,9565,185722,00.html
Baker, R.C. 2005. Panel Discussion: Chris Ware's The Acme Novelty Library. Village Voice (September 6). Online at,panel,67535,10.html
Mazanec, Tom. 2007. Lending legitimacy to comic book lit: 'The Acme Novelty Library' serves as an introduction to Chris Ware's graphic novels. Calvin College Chimes (February 2):
Parschalk, William. 2006. School-day ACME Novelty proves unique [Chris Ware].
Johns Hopkins News-Letter (March 31). Online at
Pruzan, Todd. 1996. American gothic [review of The Acme Novelty Library #8 by C. Ware]. Chicago 45(12; Dec):20.
Jimmy Corrigan, The Smartest Kid on Earth
Brattland, Jane Elin. 2007. Verdens beste tegneserie! Trist, lavmaelt og stemningsfull. RadioSelskapets tegneseriejury har karet 'Jimmy Corrigan' av Chris Ware til tidenes beste tegneserie. NRK Publisert (February 6). Online at
Bredehoft, Thomas A. 2006. Comics Architecture, Multidimensionality, and Time: Chris Ware's Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth. MFS Modern Fiction Studies 52 (4, Winter)
Blomkvist, Marten. 2001. Tecknat kan vinna litteraturpris [Chris Ware's "Jimmy Corrigan" in Swedish]. Dagens Nyheter (November 14)
Briggs, Raymond. 2001. The genius of Jimmy; Raymond Briggs hails Chris Ware's graphic novel, Jimmy Corrigan - the winner of the Guardian First Book Award. Guardian (December 8).
online at,4273,4315381,00.html
Daoust, Phil. 2001. Daddy, I hardly knew you; Phil Daoust admires a tragicomic autobiography of abandonment in Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth by Chris Ware. Guardian (July 21). online at,4273,4225245,00.html
Dixon, Glenn. 2000. City of the slumped soldiers [Ware's 'Jimmy Corrigan' review]. Washington City Paper (November 10): 56-57
Gibbons, Fiachra. 2001. Graphic novel wins Guardian book award; Three way battle ends in triumph for 'wacky idea' [Ware's Jimmy Corrigan]. Guardian (December 7). online at,4273,4315134,00.html
Horton, Andrew. 2001. Beyond Archie and Spidey [review of Ware's Jimmy Corrigan]. Wall Street Journal (October 20): W10
Lawson, Mark, Craig Brown, Tom Paulin, and Miranda Sawyer. 2001. Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth by Chris Ware. BBC Newsnight (December 7). transcript online at
Niffenegger, Audrey. 1997. Music to Slit Your Wrists By [Chris Ware 'Acme Novelty Library']. EBR 6 (Winter):
Poniewozik, James. 2000. Right Way, Corrigan: From cartoonist Chris Ware, an elegantly crafted, poignant story of man and not-so-superman. Time (September 11)
Sharp, Iain. 2003. Comic genius [Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth by Chris Ware]. Sunday Star-Times [Wellington, New Zealand] (July 27)
Unknown. 2000. In brief: Fiction: Jimmy Corrigan, The Smartest Kid on Earth by Chris Ware. Washington Post (November 26): Book World 11
Unknown. 2001. Graphic novel wins First Book Award [Chris Ware's 'Jimmy Corrigan']. The Guardian (December 6). online at,10486,614660,00.html
von Busack, Richard. 2000. 100 Years Of Solitude: With 'Jimmy Corrigan,' Chris Ware brings the art of the comic book into the new century. San Jose Metro (November 9). online at
Selected illustrations
Mayle, Peter. 1997. Anything considered [jacket art by Chris Ware as 'George Wilson']. New York: Knopf.
Murakami, Haruki. 1997. The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle [Jacket by Chris Ware, designed by Chip Kidd.]. New York: Knopf
Ware, Chris. 1996. [Cover art.]. American Illustration Annual 14.
Ware, Chris. 1997. Print's Regional Design Annual [cover art]. Print 51 (5).
Ware, Chris. 1998. [cartoon] Mother Jones (September)