Monday, March 30, 2009

Cartooning In Africa edited by John Lent available

I saw John yesterday and got a copy of his new book, Cartooning in Africa. It's an edited volume of essays on Africa as a whole, Angola, Algeria, Cameroon, Egypt, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Southern Africa, South Africa, Tunisia and Tanzania. Amusingly enough, John's affiliation is the International Journal of Comic Art. Here's the description lifted from Amazon's site:

Product Description
This volume documents from historical and contemporary perspectives, the situations, trends and issues of cartooning in a number of African countries, and profiles the individuals, forms and phenomena that stand out. All types of cartooning are covered, including comic books, comic strips, gag and political cartoons, and humour magazines.
Product Details

* Paperback: 383 pages
* Publisher: Hampton Press (October 2008)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1572735546
* ISBN-13: 978-1572735545

If someone is interested in reviewing this for IJOCA, let me know.

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