Sunday, February 9, 2025

Lent Comic Art Classification 2017 Edition online as free ebook

I've been updating it and hopefully a 2nd edition will come out next year as this version is dated due to comic art evolving and changing. You can see newer additional headings in the 2023 Comics Research Bibliography at  2024 is in production.

Excerpts from the introduction by Dr. John A. Lent:

In 1986, in preparation for a conference presentation in India, I self-published a 156-page international bibliography on comic art, which I also sent to some libraries and researchers. That led to the compilation of ten volumes of comic art sources, broken down by regions, genres, functions, and other aspects, published by Greenwood Press between 1994 and 2006. As I assembled materials for these bibliographies, I developed categories into which to place sources. The classification system presented in this monograph is the result.

The classification system portrayed in these pages is meant to bring some order to filing, categorizing, and discussing comics and cartoons. Actually, the fullest section, on the United States, can be used with minor modifications to organize comic art studies about any country.

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