Articles from and news about the premier and longest-running academic journal devoted to all aspects of cartooning and comics -- the International Journal of Comic Art (ISSN 1531-6793) published and edited by John Lent.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

IJOCA - reviewer wanted for Paul Gravett's Moomin exhibit in Belgium

UPDATED - I've got a reviewer for this, thanks.

On the Comix-Scholars listsever, Paul wrote:

 I have just curated an exhibition at the Belgian Comics Centre in Brussels, Moomin: Tove Jansson's Dreamworld. Over 70 originals, including 12 sets of "synopsis" drawings for her comics restored and shown for the very first time to the public. On till Aug 29. More info on my site and here:

If anyone's interested in reviewing it for IJOCA, let me know.

Mike Rhode
exhibits editor

Friday, February 12, 2010

Comic Art, 2005-2009: A Global Bibliography available now

IJOCA 11-3 is actually Comic Art, 2005-2009: A Global Bibliography, 626 pages of citations on comics compiled by John Lent and Mike Rhode. And it's got a special cover drawing done for us by Richard Thompson. You can buy it as a stand alone issue by sending $15 to John Lent. This is an addendum to John's previous 10-volume series of comics citations, and is a bargain because a set of those will cost you well over $1000.

Here's a sample from the 2010 version I'm working on now - the new citations for 2010 are marked with *:

Comic Book Sales
Flage, Karon. 2001. Ranking and List Position [comic book sales]. Sequential Tart 4 (2: February):
Gustines, George Gene. 2009. Graphic Books Best Seller List: May 9. New York Times Art Beat blog (May 15):
Gustines, George Gene. 2009. Graphic Books Best Seller List: June 6. New York Times Arts Beat blog (June 12):
*Hibbs, Brian. 2010. Looking At Bookscan: 2009. Comic Book Resources' Tilting at Windmills (February 12):
Miller, John Jackson. 2007. Comic Sales Analysis: January 2007 – Snows, fifth week spur big month. Comics and Games Retailer (182; May): 26-27
Reid, Calvin. 2009. February Comics Bestsellers. Publishers Weekly’s PW Comics Week (February 3):
Reid, Calvin. 2009. June Comics Bestsellers. Publishers Weekly (June 15):
Sheriff, Amanda. 2008. Comic Sales Figures Circulate. Scoop (December 5):
*Unknown. 2010. Graphic Books. New York Times (February 4):

Thursday, February 11, 2010

IJOCA 11-3 out

Due to the snow on the East Coast, I haven't seen a copy yet, but IJOCA 11-3, the all-bibliography issue has made it to London. Any comments or suggestions or feedback would be appreciated.