Articles from and news about the premier and longest-running academic journal devoted to all aspects of cartooning and comics -- the International Journal of Comic Art (ISSN 1531-6793) published and edited by John Lent.

Comic Art Academic Journals - An IJOCA Reference Guide

 by Mike Rhode

Current as of Summer 2023

·  Animation

animation: an interdisciplinary journal provides the first cohesive international peer-reviewed publishing platform for animation that unites contributions from a wide range of research agendas and creative practice. The journal's scope is very comprehensive, yet its focus is clear and simple. The journal addresses all animation made using all known (and yet to be developed) techniques - from 16th century optical devices to contemporary digital media - revealing its implications on other forms of time-based media expression past, present and future. animation: an interdisciplinary journal is essential and stimulating reading for academics, researchers, students, curators and practitioners in animation, film and media studies, cultural studies, critical theory, architecture, art & design, computer sciences, games studies and visual culture.

·  Closure. Kieler e-Journal fur Comicforschung

Die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit Comics ist in Deutschland noch nicht institutionalisiert. Ihre Terminologie ist im Entstehen und viele methodische und theoretische Fragestellungen noch offen - die Comicforschung ist jung. Deshalb haben wir uns mit CLOSURE ganz bewusst dazu entschlossen, im Sinne der Nachwuchsforderung innovative Ansatze und relevante Forschungsergebnisse von Studierenden, Doktorand_innen, Habilitand_innen und Professor_innen gleichermaßen zu publizieren. Diese Bandbreite spiegelt sich auch im Redaktionsteam von CLOSURE wider: Wissenschaftler_innen unterschiedlicher Erfahrungsstufen haben sich zusammengefunden, um zu der Vernetzung und Etablierung der deutschsprachigen Comicforschung beizutragen. [Google translation: The scientific examination of comics is not yet institutionalized in Germany. Their terminology is still in the making and many methodological and theoretical questions are still open - comics research is young. That is why we made a conscious decision with CLOSURE to publish innovative approaches and relevant research results from students, doctoral candidates, post-doctoral candidates and professors alike in the interest of promoting young researchers. This range is also reflected in the editorial team of CLOSURE: Scientists with different levels of experience have come together to contribute to the networking and establishment of German-language comic research].

·  Comicalités

Comicalités. Studies in Graphic Culture inquires into the specificities and transformations of the ways in which comics have been produced and read. The journal welcomes a diversity of analyses and approaches and promotes multidisciplinary perspectives on comics, their contradictions and complexities. Articles and special issues, carefully peer-reviewed, are published on a continuous basis.    ISSN 2117-4911.

·  Comics Grid

Founded in 2010, The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship is an open-access, researcher-led, peer-reviewed academic journal. The journal aims to publish original and specialised contributions to the field of comics scholarship from multidisciplinary and media-specific perspectives. The journal aims to promote innovative comics scholarship where the writing is energetic and theoretically and interpretively bold, and that presents specialised knowledge in accessible and engaging forms. It also considers submissions that explore the ways in which comics can be used for scholarly purposes. 

·  CuCo, Cuadernos de cómic

La revista CuCo, Cuadernos de cómic fue fundada en 2013 con el objetivo de ser una plataforma de publicación para investigadores que estudian el cómic desde cualquier perspectiva y ámbito del conocimiento. Desde sus orígenes, ha mantenido una política de gratuidad y acceso abierto con el fin de fomentar los avances en la investigación en torno al cómic y ayudar a construir su conocimiento. CuCo, Cuadernos de cómic, por ello, no cobra ningún tipo de tasa por publicación a los contribuidores. [Google translation: The magazine CuCo, Cuadernos de cómic was founded in 2013 with the aim of being a publication platform for researchers who study comics from any perspective and field of knowledge. Since its origins, it has maintained a policy of free and open access in order to promote advances in research on comics and help build their knowledge. CuCo, Cuadernos de cómic , therefore, does not charge contributors any type of publication rate].

·  Deutsche Comicforschung

Die seit 2005 jährlich fortgeführte Reihe "Deutsche Comicforschung" ist das Standardwerk zur Erforschung der nationalen Comicgeschichte. Wissenschaftlich akribisch und trotzdem lesbar, angereichert mit Hunderten von zumeist farbigen Abbildungen, bietet jeder Band einen Fundus von bisher unbekannten Beispielen deutschsprachiger Comics aller Epochen. [Google translation: The "German Comic Research" series, which has been continued annually since 2005, is the standard work for research into national comic history. Scientifically meticulous and yet readable, enriched with hundreds of mostly color illustrations, each volume offers a pool of previously unknown examples of German-language comics from all eras].

 ·  European Comic Art

European Comic Art is the first English-language scholarly publication devoted to the study of European-language graphic novels, comic strips, comic books and caricature.

·  Image & Narrative

Image & Narrative is a peer-reviewed e-journal on visual narratology and word and image studies in the broadest sense of the term. It does not focus on a narrowly defined corpus or theoretical framework, but questions the mutual shaping of literary and visual cultures.

·  ImageTexT : Interdisciplinary Comics Studies

ImageTexT is a peer-reviewed, open access journal dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of comics and related media.

·  Inks

Inks, the journal of the Comics Studies Society, features scholarly research on sequential art, graphic narrative, and cartooning. The journal seeks to bring together scholarly essays, archival materials, and insights and discoveries from leading comics professionals. Inks highlights scholarship from a variety of disciplines and invites essays on all periods of comic history, as well as considering both a US or an international comics focus.

·  International Journal of Comic Art

International and multidisciplinary in scope, IJOCA aims to publish scholarly and readable research on any aspect of comic art, defined as animation, comic books, newspaper and magazine strips, caricature, gag and political cartoons, humorous art, and humor or cartoon magazines.

·  Journal of Anime and Manga Studies

The Journal of Anime and Manga Studies (JAMS) is an open-access journal dedicated to providing an ethical, peer-reviewed space for academics, students, and independent researchers examining the field of anime, manga, cosplay, and fandom studies to share their research with others. JAMS is peer reviewed by scholars with experience in these areas. The goal of JAMS is to explore anime as an art form and bring visibility to the deeper meanings, understandings, and/or cultural significance of anime, manga, cosplay, and their fandoms. The use of “anime” as a descriptor in all principles includes manga, cosplay, and its fandoms.

·  Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics

The Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics is a peer reviewed journal covering all aspects of the graphic novel, comic strip and comic book, with the emphasis on comics in their cultural, institutional and creative contexts. Its scope is international, covering not only English language comics but also worldwide comic culture. The journal reflects interdisciplinary research in comics and aims to establish a dialogue between academics, historians, theoreticians and practitioners of comics. 

·  Mechademia: Second Arc

A groundbreaking exploration of anime, manga, and Japanese popular culture. Mechademia: Second Arc is a biannual journal series designed to promote academic and professional discourse around East Asian popular cultures. Its scope includes professional and fan-created works influenced by the forms of anime, Japanese manga/Korean manhwa/Chinese manhua, cinema, television dramas, digital media, video gaming, music, performance arts, and many other forms of popular culture that have proliferated in East Asia and throughout the world. This journal promotes high-quality academic research on anime, manga, and related pop cultural fields, in making key articles by East Asian authors accessible to English-speaking readers through original translations, and in promoting cultural exchange between artists, authors, fans, and scholars from various contexts, both through the journal and through related conferences held annually in the United States and biennially in Asia. Submissions to the series are required to be written in “open” language rather than adopting the exclusive language of academic discourse, but without detracting from a high level of inquiry.

·  Neuróptica

Neuróptica. Estudios sobre el cómic se constituye como una publicación que toma al cómic como objeto central de estudio, desde una perspectiva totalmente multidisciplinar, a través de cualquier campo de estudio y ámbito del conocimiento. [Google translation: Neuroptics. Estudios sobre cómic is constituted as a publication that takes comics as a central object of study, from a totally multidisciplinary perspective, through any field of study and field of knowledge].

·  neuvième art 2.0

Le journal de la cité de la bd.

·  Nona Arte (aka 9a)

Divulgar artigos científicos inéditos sobre histórias em quadrinhos, resultantes de pesquisas acadêmicas desenvolvidas por pesquisadores do Brasil e do exterior. Garantir espaço para depoimentos e entrevistas de  personalidades significativas para o desenvolvimento das histórias em quadrinhos no Brasil, bem como a resenhas sobre publicações de caráter científico sobre quadrinhos publicadas no Brasil ou no exterior. Registrar o panorama de atividades (trabalhos acadêmicos, exposições, eventos, etc.) sobre histórias em quadrinhos desenvolvidas no país. [Google translation: Disseminate unpublished scientific articles on comics, resulting from academic research carried out by researchers from Brazil and abroad. Ensure space for testimonials and interviews of significant personalities for the development of comics in Brazil, as well as reviews on scientific publications on comics published in Brazil or abroad. Register the panorama of activities (academic works, exhibitions, events, etc.) about comics developed in the country].

·  SANE Journal: Sequential Art Narrative in Education

SANE journal publishes peer-reviewed articles from researchers and practitioners from a variety of disciplines seeking to add significantly to the global knowledge associated with all aspects of graphica (comics, graphic novels, and its related forms) and education.

·  Scandinavian Journal of Comic Art (SJoCA)

Scandinavian Journal of Comic Art (SJoCA) is an online, open-access, peer reviewed academic journal about comics and sequential art. The scope of the journal is interdisciplinary, encouraging a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives. The journal publishes articles, book reviews and news from the field of comics studies. The language of the journal is English. Although the journal is rooted in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden), it is global in scope and aims to publish high quality research regardless of national or regional boundaries. [NB: may be defunct – see for content]

·  SIGNs – Studies in Graphic Narratives

SIGNs – Studies in Graphic Narratives – is a new, peer-reviewed journal focusing on Comics (or, in contemporary jargon, Graphic Novels), from modern times up to the early decades of the 20th century. Why a new journal ? We have been living a steeply growing interest in comics since the 1990s, with the medium gaining large acceptance as an art form and a significant part of popular culture as well as an investigation subject in social studies. This interest and intellectual appraisal has extended to the rich history of comics and related forms as well. However, hitherto the (still scarce) current scientific research tends to focus on post-1930s publications, and early comics remain largely unexplored. SIGNs aims at bridging this gap. Notwithstanding impressive field work by pioneers like David Kunzle in his two volumes of The History of the Comic Strip, the medium still suffers from a somewhat meager historiographic ‘legacy’.

·  Studies in Comics

Studies in Comics aims to describe the nature of comics, to identify the medium as a distinct art form, and to address the medium’s formal properties. The emerging field of comics studies is a model for interdisciplinary research and in this spirit this journal welcomes all approaches. This journal is international in scope and provides an inclusive space in which researchers from all backgrounds can present new thinking on comics to a global audience.

 Popular culture journals:

 ·  Belphégor

Belphégor is an international refereed scholarly journal dedicated to the study of popular literature and media culture. The journal welcomes all types of theoretical analysis and encourages interdisciplinarity and comparative studies. Our goal is to stimulate discussion, research and exchange between researchers of all stripes in the Anglo-saxon, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Portuguese-speaking worlds.

·  Journal of Popular Culture

The Journal of Popular Culture continues to break down the barriers between so-called "low" and "high" culture and focuses on filling in the gaps that a neglect of popular culture has left in our understanding of the workings of society.


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