by Gerald Heng
R. Crumb, Aline Kominsky-Crumb, and Sophie Crumb: Sauve qui peut ! (Run for Your Life)David Zwirner, Rue Vielle de Temple 108, Paris. February 10-March 26, 2022.

Within a cool calm courtyard in Paris, I find myself outside David Zwirner gallery at Rue Vielle de Temple, set among streets full of small art galleries and chic clothing stores. The gallery is fronted by a small reception area that opens up to a large, quiet, clean white-walled display gallery, the calm of which completely belies what is hanging on its wall at the moment.
The exhibit is anchored by the 'Sauve qui peut' (Run for Your Life) zine designed by Robert, Aline and Sophie on the occasion of the exhibition, interspersed by individual art, sketches and comics by the family - father, mother and daughter for the unitiated.
The zine doesn't pull any punches on the direct outpouring of thoughts become comics of the three. The story starts with the Crumb's move to France and goes through a whirlwind of stories, touching on Robert Crumb's well-documented love of fleshy female bottoms, Sophie as a child, Aline's sickness and disease and his sharp barbed stab at the neurotic ideal French females. Having not read any Crumb for a long time, and reading the type of comics that I have gotten from the library for the past years, the panels induce a reflexive cringe of 'Oh God!" amidst guilty snorts of laughter in my head. I most definitely enjoyed going through the panels.
In total, there are five complete comics in the exhibit.
Sauve Qui Peut(Run for Your Life)
The zine written by all three Crumbs describing the period of their move to France and settling in.
4 Shades of Abortion
A conversation between Aline and Sophie of their experiences with abortion.
Crumb Family Covid Exposé
The neurotic anti-vax nature of Robert Crumb, how Aline 'accidentally' got vaccinated and dealing with Robert's COVID infection.
Botox Enlightenment, The Latest in Injectable Nirvana
A single page describing the thoughts of Robert and Aline on botox. I would guess the title should hint which way Aline leans.
Old Age and Death
Another single page showing a funny conversation between Aline and Robert about old age and what Aline would do if Robert were to pass on.
Along the back wall is a montage of single works by all three.
Along the right wall there is a series of portraits of UFC fighters by Sophie which is nicely done.
Aline Kominsky-Crumb provided some sketches and reflective views of her situation and mindset.
Robert Crumb included these colored single pieces which look good, but whose context I can't quite figure out.
There are also some beautiful recent portraits by him -- amazing work considering the use of fine lines to create them.
I find these older portraits beautifully for their spontaneity.
I will end this blog with a solo piece by Robert Crumb highlighting what I think is the major problem faced by many in today's society.