Articles from and news about the premier and longest-running academic journal devoted to all aspects of cartooning and comics -- the International Journal of Comic Art (ISSN 1531-6793) published and edited by John Lent.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Graphic Novel Review: Big Jim and the White Boy, an Important and Insightful Reimaging of Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

reviewed by Matthew Teutsch, PhD, Director of the Lillian E. Smith Center, Piedmont College

David F. Walker and Marcus Kwame Anderson. Big Jim and the White Boy: An American Classic Reimagined. New York: Penguin Random House, 2024.

Multiple thoughts come to mind when I think about Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884). I think about the ways that Twain, through the novel, interrogates language. I think about the ways that the novel falls short of condemning white supremacy. I think about the ways that the novel, through Huck, shows the transmission of white supremacy from generation to generation. I think about the ways that the novel obscures Jim and his family, even though Jim is an integral part of the novel. I think about E.W. Kemble’s racist illustrations throughout the novel which subvert any progressive elements that Twain placed within the narrative. I think about the ways that Twain’s Pudd’nhead Wilson (1894), published ten years after Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is, even with its problems, a better exploration of the social constructions of race and white supremacy. 

This year, two critically acclaimed books that reimagine Twain’s novel have debuted: Percival Everett’s James and David F. Walker and Marcus Kwame Anderson’s Big Jim and the White Boy, a graphic reimaging of Twain’s classic. Each of these works provides a new representation and depiction of Jim, giving him his dignity and humanity. They correct Twain’s portrayal of Jim which, as Ralph Ellison writes in “Change the Joke and Slip the Yoke” (1963), stems from “a time when the blackfaced minstrel was still popular, and shortly after a which left even the abolitionists weary of those problems associated with the Negro.” Ellison continues by stating that Twain placed Jim in “the outlines of the minstrel tradition, and it is from behind this stereotype mask that we see Jim’s dignity and humanity emerge,” but that mask also presents Jim with a “‘boyish’ naїveté,” placing Huck as the adult.

Big Jim and the White Boy removes the minstrel mask that Jim wears in Twain’s novel, and, as Walker puts it, “centers the character of Jim and attempts to offer him the dignity he deserves while emphasizing his humanity.” Walker and Anderson move back and forth in time, from Jim and Huck’s experiences in the 1850s and 1860s to Jim and Huck telling their story to a group of kids in the summer of 1932 to Jim’s great- great-great-great granddaughter, Almena Burnett, teaching about her ancestor and Twain’s novel at Howard University in 2020. As well, they use the facts that Twain modeled Jim partly on Daniel Quarles, a man whom Twain’s uncle enslaved, and that he drew inspiration from reading about Glasock’s Ben, an enslaved man who ran away and murdered a family, during his time at the Missouri Courier as a way to foreground the narrative within Twain’s construction of the novel and the finished product. Through these interconnecting narratives, Big Jim and the White Boy drives home, as Almena’s grandmother tells her after showing her pictures and telling her about Jim and Huck, the importance of stories, the importance of generational stories, and how those stories counter the fictions of movements such as the Lost Cause.

In an author talk at the end of the book, Almena stresses the importance of telling Jim and Huck’s story as a counter to the ways that media and historians perpetuated the Lost Cause and “effectively shaped public perception of the Confederacy, the Civil War, and slavery.” She tells the audience that even as Twain sought “to portray Jim with some degree of humanity, he did not tell Jim’s story.” Instead, he perpetuated, through Jim’s minstrel mask, the Lost Cause narrative that had started to take shape during the latter part of the nineteenth century.  Almena continues, narrating above panels that depict Jim and Huck on the Mississippi River, riding through Missouri and Kansas, during the Civil War, and in 1932, by saying that she needed to share the story with the world because the story of her ancestor “is more than a runaway slave traveling down the Mississippi River with a young white boy named Huckleberry Finn.” Jim’s story is one of a man who fought for others to be free and a “story of a man who loved his family.”         

While the narrative moves back and forth in time, the decision to end the book with a metanarrative of Almena writing her great-great-great-great grandfather’s story and then having a book signing drives home the ways that culture creates stories and myths to acquire or maintain power and the importance of narratives, based in reality, that counter the mythological constructions of the past. This framing, juxtaposed with the begging which focuses on Twain’s creation of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn points out the importance of sharing one’s stories with the world. Big Jim and the White Boy ends with Almena passing along encouragement to an audience member who tells Almena about her family being from Vietnam and her grandfather’s and grandmother’s experiences during the Vietnam War. Annie Nguyen, introducing her grandfather to Almena, says that Jim reminds her of her grandfather and that she wishes “someone would tell his story.” Almena simply responds, “Maybe you could write the book?” Our stories are important, and the ways we tell those stories are important. Walker and Anderson allow Jim to tell his story, to counter the narratives of his life that Twain tells in the novel. They give him a voice. Dignity. Humanity.

I do not have enough space to tackle everything that Big Jim and the White Boy provides readers. That would take a review or essay much longer than this one. I do want to conclude, though, by sharing a few thoughts that I had as I read the graphic novel. As I read it, I kept getting the narrative conflated with Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and even Everett’s James, asking myself, “Did this happen in one or both of those novels?” This uncertainty, at times, added to the ways that Big Jim and the White Boy works in conversation with Twain and Everett, commenting and expounding on those works. It’s a weird sensation to think about this as I read a book, but I find it extremely engaging because, again, it works into the focus of stories and the ways we tell and remember the past.       

Along with this feeling, I constantly thought about Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained and the graphic novel adaptation by Reginald Hudlin, Denys Cowan, R.M Guéra, and Danijel Zezelj. Specifically, as Jim searched for his family and him and Huck encountered and killed slave traders and Confederate soldiers, I thought about the thematic connections but also the Blaxploitation connections through some of the action. Anderson’s artwork is in no way akin to the violent illustrations of something like Django Unchained, but some of the panels, where Jim stabs individuals or other violence occurs, even when Pap whips Jim, carry the same weight. Jim’s journey to find his family grants him his humanity and serves, in a lot of ways, as the connective thread that links him with Almena as well as Huck.

The final aspect that stands out to me is, again, something that Everett does in a similar manner in James. In Big Jim and the White Boy, Huck is legally “Black” because his mother was Jim’s sister, Hennie. She gets pregnant after Pap rapes her. Jim keeps this knowledge from Huck, and Almena’s grandmother asks Jim, after Huck’s death, why he chose to keep the secret from Huck. Sitting in a wheelchair next to Huck’s grave, Jim tells her, “I didn’t tell him none of that ‘cause life wis easier for white folks.” In this panel, and in other panels, Anderson shows the anguish and hurt in Jim’s face. After the funeral, Anderson has a nine-panel page. Jim’s face appears in each panel, moving from expressions of gratitude and respect to sadness, as he wipes tears from his eyes. Jim concludes this section by saying he regretted not telling Huck his true identity because he was family.

While Walker and Anderson’s The Black Panther Party: A Graphic Novel History (2021) provides a strictly historical narrative and framework, Big Jim and the White Boy uses fiction to teach history, highlighting Bloody Kansas, John Brown, Nat Turner, the Civil War, the horrors of enslavement, and much more. As well, it examines the ways that culture perpetuates white supremacy through the products it produces and the stories it tells itself and future generations. Walker and Anderson’s work counters these narratives by creating, as Joel Christian Gill puts it in his blurb for the book, a “beautifully and superbly written” graphic novel that truly “expands and American classic by adding rich and important cultural nuances.” Walker and Anderson achieve what that set out to do, providing readers with a work that strips away the minstrel mask that Twain placed on Jim and reveals reality.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Book Review: South East Asian Kommunity 2024

reviewed by  Duy Tano, of The Comics Cube commentary website and YouTube channel

South East Asian Kommunity 2024. Edited by CT Lim and Paolo Herras. Philippines : Komiket Inc., 2024. ISBN 978-621-8244-48-1.

South East Asian Kommunity 2024 is an anthology featuring creators from Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, edited by CT Lim from Singapore and Paolo Herras of Komiket Philippines. Personally, I am a huge fan of short stories and anthologies. This particular collection, one of the backbones of the Philippine International Comics Festival 2024, offers something for everyone, but to me one of the recurring themes is of confinement and escape.

Ping Sanisan (Thailand) kicks off the book with "Before the Curtain Calls," a sublime meditation on what life is like in South East Asia, while drawing the reader in with the use of color. Sanisan explores a fundamental theme of being Southeast Asian -- the perpetuation of your role in your family and in society, simply because of the circumstances into which you are born. It revolves around a dream sequence and is rendered in striking colors, most notably red. Nicely in contrast is “The After” by Erica Eng (Malaysia),* a black-and-white sci-fi short story set in the future, depicting the mundanity of life for everyday people. Eng’s story showcases that even as societies evolve and progress, people are always looking for something else to do, and perhaps something more.

Societal expectations and circumstances can feel like a prison, and it comes as no surprise that in an anthology such as this, we see several stories about escaping. "Le Beauttom" by Juliette Yu-Ming Lizeray (Singapore), about two children who get a job in an underwear factory, is probably the funniest story in the book, and is created by someone originally from Malaysia who moved to the United States before settling in Singapore. "Son of Krypton" by Chappy Fadulon (Philippines) equates a standard “Filipino leaving the country to pursue better opportunities” story to the origin of Superman, a storytelling device that would always resonate with me. I think it also works more broadly, since Superman is often noted to be an immigrant, but immigrant stories in general do not equate back to Superman’s journey.

In keeping with the theme of escape, Yuri (Philippines) dedicates "Mawalang Galang" to all runaways, and is about the fragility of familial relationships in society, and how sometimes one has to break things in order to rebuild them. She also has the single most striking image in the entire book, a splash page that made me go "Wow." "Love, Remember" by June Dao (Vietnam) is a heartbreaking story about two siblings who are reunited ever so ephemerally and will resonate with anyone who has ever been away from their sibling for an extended period of time. "Metamorphosis" by Wooh Hmo (Myanmar) is equal parts Kafka's Metamorphosis and the legend of Icarus, with a grounding in reality and an art style that evokes the best horror comics. Literally about escape, it is another story by an artist living away from his home – Wooh Hmo is in exile in France.

Not all stories in the collection fit a theme of geographic and cultural confinement and escape, however. "Until When" by Tita Larasati (Indonesia) is a short graphic memoir about recovering from a stroke, which includes pages drawn during recovery. I really do believe that personal stories like this are uniquely suited to comics, in a way that they are not for other media. It is the only medium in which you can showcase someone learning to draw again by actually showing the drawings that they did in that time period.

Other stories may call to mind familiar genres to longtime readers of comics, or are a bit more abstract. Overall, this is a solid collection of stories from the region, showcasing a wide variety of talent and subject matter. And it shows that even one feels a desire to escape, there are, in similar current circumstances, cartoonists with an abundance of talent, creativity, and imagination. May all these creators find the audience they deserve.

*CORRECTION: The original post incorrectly stated that Erica Eng is in Singapore; she is actually in Malaysia. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Comics Sans Frontières • March 20-23, 2025 at Rice University

Comic Art Teaching & Study Workshop (CATS)

Art, Comics and Books at Rice University

Comics Sans Frontières • March 20-23, 2025

Comics Sans Frontières: 
Border Defiance in Graphic Narratives
Rice University, Houston, Texas

From panels and gutters to speech balloons and narrative boxes, comics has been famously marked by graphic borders. Yet, with its inherent co-mixing of words and images, comics has been equally about the defiance of borders, offering a literary stage for artists and narratives that challenge graphic, national and cultural frontiers. Echoing a similar act of academic border-defiance, we will bring together esteemed artists and scholars from around the globe who produce and study such texts.

The keynote event will feature Pulitzer Prize-winning comic artist Art Spiegelman, the author of the groundbreaking graphic memoirs Maus and In the Shadow of No Towers. This opening event will be followed by three days of presentations, exhibitions, and comics-making workshops in locations across the Rice campus, all FREE and open to the public. A volume of papers and art will be collected in the graphic anthology š! from kuš! komikss, available at the conference.

Join us for an international, interdisciplinary and cross-campus dialog on a form whose relevance to 21st-century communication and literacy is constantly growing.

Want to promote our conference at your school or community center? Download a letter-sized poster here.

Please note: All events are FREE and OPEN to the public on a first come, first served basis. Need help getting here? Plan your visit and parking here, with Google Map links to event locations and parking options. 

Click here for schedule and other information.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Event Recording: Charles Burns in conversation with Seth

Charles Burns was in Toronto on Thursday October 24, 2024 to help promote the debut of FINAL CUT, his newest book published in the Pantheon Graphic Library series. Released on September 26, the book is an omnibus of a story that was originally serialized in France over three volumes (from 2019-2023) under the title DÉDALES which translates into English as "Labyrinths". 

To support the hotly anticipated release of the North American English language version, renowned comics retailer The Beguiling organized a special book talk in an auditorium on the St. George Campus of the University of Toronto that featured Burns interviewed by local cartoonist Seth (himself one of The Beguiling's most famous supporters and clients).

Seth (left) in conversation with Charles Burns

I was lucky enough to have my travel stars align in order to attend this unique event and listen in on this conversation between two cartoonists whose work I've followed and admired since the early days of their careers. Though situated on opposite tail ends of the generation of post-underground cartoonists, what Burns and Seth have in common are highly-stylized individual graphic sensibilities that are informed by a genuine nostalgia for an American popular culture that was before their time. This served as the basis for a leisurely hour-long conversation that explored their artistic relationships with their inspirations, and how these influences fuse with their autobiographical tendencies to express their respective comics voice. One of the more enjoyable and interesting segments involved Burns recounting his first meeting with Art Spiegelman and the subsequent mentor role that he occupied in his artistic development during the RAW years.

Their conversation was framed with words of introduction by Peter Birkmoe, the owner extraordinaire of The Beguiling, and a brief Q&A session with the audience.

For IJOCA readers interested in listening to this talk, my recording can be found here

-Nick Nguyen

Recording and photos taken by Nick Nguyen

Seth and Charles Burns

Seth and Charles Burns

Tuesday, December 3, 2024


....although we'll take donations as well. Paypal him at

A Cry for Financial Help

John A. Lent


Rarely, if ever, have I cried "poor mouth" on behalf of IJOCA. However, at this moment, the journal is facing hard times with the ever-increasing cost of postage and printing, the dwindling number of subscribers as we face competition from a number of periodicals started in this century, and the plight of financially-strapped libraries.

Perhaps, help can be found by ensuring that your university's library be convinced to subscribe, soliciting advertisements from book publishers and other groups tied to comics art, making sure that subscriptions are paid on time, asking subscribers to chip in a few extra bucks when renewing (which three or four already do), and convincing more of the comics studies community to subscribe. Over the years, there were requests that IJOCA also be put online. Mike Rhode took the time to format and digitize all issues, and we offered online subscriptions at $40.00 for individuals and $100.00 for institutions per year. That was two or three years ago, and only three new subscriptions have been received. A possibility that I would use only as a last resort is to raise subscription rates.

For a number of years, I have used my personal funds to pay an assistant's wages, purchase office supplies, and pay for other incidentals associated with IJOCA. I am willing to continue doing this, but the coffers of the journal need to be replenished. Thank you for any help that you are able to give.

CARTOONISTS RIGHTS - support them on Giving Tuesday



 by Terry Anderson

Almost a decade ago, cartoonists everywhere were alerted to an unfolding event in the city of Paris, France. There aren’t that many in the profession, so everyone has a friend (or at least a friend of a friend) in France. Via social media posts and text messages on the morning of January 7th, 2015, it became apparent that something had happened at the office of Charlie Hebdo magazine. By the end of the day, it was known that twelve people, among them five of France’s best-known cartoonists, were dead. Within a week, crowds of a size not seen in the post-war period had gathered in Paris and world-leaders walked arm-in-arm, declaring their commitment to free expression.


As we approach the tenth anniversary of that day, much has changed. France indelibly so – cartoonists’ events there still take place under armed guard – while the rest of the world has either qualified or largely forgotten the spirit of “Je Suis Charlie”. Free speech has become a political football, and a favored hobby horse of authoritarians and populists.  When asked, cartoonists no longer cite the violence of rogue fundamentalists as their chief concern. Indeed, it's now those chummy world leaders who made a conspicuous showing of solidarity on Parisian streets whom they’re most worried about.


Increasingly, editorial and political cartoonists are abused and threatened online by party-politically motivated trolls, often en masse. They are criminalized under vaguely worded cyber security or anti-misinformation laws, jailed for “insulting” the government, judiciary, or army, and in the worst cases labelled seditionists and terrorists. For many, their only choice is to go into exile.


Cartoonists Rights Network International (or CARTOONISTS RIGHTS for short) was incorporated in 1999, the world’s first human rights non-profit with such cartoonists in mind. Founded by Dr. Robert “Bro” Russell, a resident of Virginia, over the last five years the organization’s program has been led by Executive Director Terry Anderson. Currently our president is Matt Wuerker (Politico). Other press cartoonists who currently or in the past have served as directors or advisors include Michael de Adder, Kevin “Kal” Kallaugher, Marc Murphy, Pat Oliphant, Joel Pett, and Ann Telnaes, as well as Dr. John A. Lent, founder of the IJOCA.


Like all non-profits, CARTOONISTS RIGHTS is now operating in a uniquely hostile environment. The passage of bill H.R. 9495 from House of Representatives to the Senate brings the Presidency one step closer to sweeping powers to penalize civil and human rights organizations.

Nevertheless, should any cartoonist in the USA be characterized as an “enemy within” during the next four years, they can expect the same level of commitment from us that we have extended to cartoonists from the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Central and South America in the last quarter-century.


Last year, we welcomed Abecor – a press cartoonist from Bolivia – to the National Press Club to receive the Robert Russell Courage in Cartooning Award after he had been harassed online and in person, and he and his family threatened with violence by partisans.

“For me and for my country this award is very important, since it renews the sense of preserving the right to free expression and knowing that artists, journalists and especially cartoonists around the world do not walk alone.” – Abecor


In recent years our award has been given in an alternating pattern with the FREEDOM CARTOONISTS FOUNDATION, Geneva. And so, in 2025 it falls to us once more to recognize a cartoonist whose bravery has exemplified adherence to democratic ideals and the principle of free expression under duress. The event will take place at a Washington, DC venue on May 3rd – World Press Freedom Day. More details to be announced nearer the time.


To support CARTOONISTS RIGHTS, please consider contributing during our Pledge Drive, commencing on “Giving Tuesday”, December 3rd.


Visit and keep an eye on our social media for further announcements through the next three weeks: Bluesky – • Facebook/Instagram – @cartoonistsrights • Mastodon –

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Exhibition in Photos: The Inaugural Collective Exhibition of Martel BXL

Exposition Collective Inaugurale. Brussels, Belgium: Martel BXL. November 16 - December 7, 2024.

by Nick Nguyen

If Brussels considers itself as the capital of comics, then a new player has set up shop in town to provide an energizing boost to that claim. Martel BXL is the second comics art gallery founded and directed by Rina Zavagli, whose Galerie Martel in Paris has steadily and rightfully earned itself an influential reputation since opening in 2008. Zavagli's exhibition programming over the years has distinguished itself with an eclectic internationalism in scope and stylistic range that recalls the vision and spirit of RAW, the seminal comics anthology magazine edited by Francoise Mouly and Art Spiegelman. That and the combination of Zavagli's refined artistic eye, her formidable relationship-building skills, her deep respect for the labour of the artist, and a generous approach to hospitality have established Galerie Martel as a must-see stop for the comics cognoscenti on any trip or layover in Paris. In addition, the gallery's vernissages are intensely attended social events that jam pack its humble space to the point of spillover outside into the small street that bears its name.

Not content to simply rest on the lofty laurels that she has earned, Zavagli has extended her operations with this new Brussels location that aims to carve out its own identity while maintaining the brand consistency with the Paris gallery. This dual operation is a growth milestone that is subtly signaled with the understated adoption of a new name and logo to mark this shift. Jettisoning the word "Galerie" and de-emphasizing the emboldened "art" in "Martel" removes the tautological indices to its function and location so that the Martel name now confidently stands on its own.    

To inaugurate Martel BXL, Zavagli wisely chose to present a selling exhibition featuring the work of 40 different artists who have each collaborated with her at one time or another over the years at Galerie Martel. It is a fitting, intelligent and strategic approach to announce her arrival on the Brussels scene as the exhibition pays tribute to the past, present and future of Zavagli's gallery experience. The stable of artists affiliated with the Martel banner represent a mix of established comix veterans and maturing bande dessinée contemporaries who offer access to bodies of work that shape a certain idea of the international history of comics art championed by the gallery. This group exhibition also serves as an amuse bouche for a Brussels comics art community steeped in Franco-Belgian comics tradition to anticipate future collaborations to be presented in Martel BXL  

The lineup of artists for the inaugural exhibition as announced on the poster and invitation cards.

The announcement of an exhibition of such collective scope also includes the consideration that it takes an appropriate amount of space to display the work of all these artists. It is in this spatial respect that Martel BXL immediately distinguishes itself from its Paris predecessor as it offers over twice as much display real estate. Situated in the socially heterogeneous commune of Ixelles, the gallery occupies the main floor of a classic maison de maître (townhouse mansion) whose window facade faces out onto one of the busiest thoroughfares in its neighbourhood.    

 The street view of the gallery offers even the most casual of passersby the chance to clearly see the depth of the space from the entrance right through to the back garden. 

The sheer length of the gallery corridor provides the sufficient space to showcase 43 individual pieces with enough breathing room between them so they can stand alone on their own merits while still dialoguing with their neighbors. Each piece was framed to respect its individual style and physical attributes so that the only aspect that was uniform about them all was their eye-level placement along the walls. Each piece was also presented without any immediate metadata to indicate authorship, materiality, or date and context of creation, allowing visitors to engage with them on purely visual and aesthetic terms before being moved to interact with the very knowledgeable and amiable gallery manager Simone Mattotti to discover further information.   

Looking into the gallery from the street


Looking toward the street from inside the gallery at its midway point.

From the midpoint of the gallery looking toward the back of the gallery

Looking toward the street from the back of the gallery, where a staircase leads to the storage area.

At the midpoint of the gallery is a central space that widens the corridor to become a room with larger floor space to include a coffee table where BD albums, catalogues, portfolios and sketchbook collections by the exhibited artists are available for browsing. This room also offers an open passage to the working area of the gallery which is situated next to an enclosed open air garden patio, the first of two that were designed by Dutch graphic artist Rudy Vrooman (the second garden is at the back end of the gallery, near the hospitality area).     

Side garden patio to the left of the staircase


Garden patio at the back end of the gallery, behind the hospitality area.

The coffee table at the central room of the gallery.

There's no question that Martel BXL has come out of its starting gate with a bang while still being attentive to its integration into the Brussels arts scene.  The gallery's artistic identity is so clearly defined that its arrival contributes a unique major presence to the city's cultural landscape without treading on the toes of other established comics art galleries. In this spirit, Martel BXL's immediate plan to follow up on the inaugural group exhibition is to acknowledge and highlight their Belgian artistic collaborative partners. The final day of the group exhibition on 7 December will welcome Herr Seele of Cowboy Henk fame for a special dédicace/book signing session. A week later, the first monograph exhibition to be held at Martel BXL will showcase the work of Eric Lambé, whose newest book ANTIPODES in collaboration with author David B. has just been announced as part of the official selection for the 52nd edition of the Festival International de la Bande Dessinée at Angoulême.

Following this path, the future augers well for the fortunes of Zavagli and her Martel enterprise as Brussels, and by extension Belgium, offers whole new opportunities and markets for collaboration, partnerships and collecting. There is little doubt that Martel BXL, like Martel Paris, will soon feature as a new must-see stop for comics lovers on any trip or layover in the capital of Europe. 

-Nick Nguyen

All photos taken by Nick Nguyen. 

PS. Below are photos for the curious completist wishing to get an idea of the arrangement and presentation of the 43 pieces that made up the group exhibition.

The full list and description of the works is found here.

Front left wall: Chris Ware, Guido Crepax, Thomas Ott, Charles Burns

Front left wall continued: José Munoz, Nina Bunjevac, Anke Feuchtenberger, Pablo Auladell

Front left wall continued: Enzo Borgini, Dominique Goblet, Maneule Fior, Thierry van Hasselt

Front right wall: Fred, Art Spiegelman, Lorenzo Mattotti, Eric Lambé

Front right wall continued: Simon Hanselmann, Alex Barbier, Miroslav Sekulic-Strava

Front right wall continued: Gabriella Giandelli, Icinori, Brecht Evens 

Right wall column (front): Franco Matticchio

Right wall column (side): Joost Swarte

Front left column (side): Giacomo Nanni

Right wall of central room: Tomi Ungerer (left)

Central wall of central room: Javier Mariscal, Yann Kebbii, Richard McGuire

Open passage wall of central room: Emil Ferris, Florence Cestac

Left wall of central area: Gary Panter, Brecht Vandenbroucke, Zéphir, Miles Hyman

Left wall of central area continued: Herr Seele

Left wall above staircase: Ludovic Debeurme, Hugues Micol

 Back left wall in front of hospitality area: Stefano Ricci, Anna Sommer